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Comment Re:Just TODAY (Score 1) 159

his opinions on Meyer's efforts: "DOA.".

YHOO was mostly "DOA" indeed when Mayer took over. However, with her initial efforts in being overly meticulous with the redesigning of the logo (the 30 days of logos), the bombardment of press releases concerning their Weather app and her Flickr changes, there was proof she was overly (too much?) involved in new projects. But then there was YHOO's Daily Fantasy product being released and that's when you knew Mayer had checked out and YHOO was dead under her leadership. In an industry that's raising 100s of millions in VC, YHOO was poised to potentially take over a multi-billion dollar market because of their unique position - YHOO already had a huge fantasy sports community, already had fully functioning real-time data feeds, the server infrastructure and the engineers to blow away the "frat boy" level technical efforts of FanDuel and DraftKings (FanDuel was storing user password in plaintext as recently as Dec 2014). YHOO could have undercut the "vig" so dramatically on their product and still been profitable and could have gained market share rapidly.

Instead, YHOO rolled out a half baked idea where users couldn't even select a username, basically stole the interface from FanDuel and they let the project rot most of the 2015 football season. Their product was seen as a colossal failure and was universally described as underwhelming. It wasn't built right from a technical perspective, it wasn't marketed properly and was built with zero consideration to the user. (Yes, you could argue that the current DFS legal landscape could be a reason for the poor development efforts, but the end result will be regulation, not banning.)

TL;DR - YHOO seems totally uninterested in putting in the requisite effort to make itself a technology company again under Mayer's leadership even when well positioned to assume control of a multi-billion dollar industry. All YHOO wants to be now is a company trying to avoid it's BABA tax burden.

Comment It's the People (Score 2) 529

My boss telecommutes sometimes. All you need to know is this -

He billed 40 hours "General" time from home one week.
The week of Hurricane Sandy.
When his house didn't have power for 10 days.

If he was in the office, he'd be working on his personal e-commerce websites or looking for apps for his phone.

Yes, Mayer did it so she can fire people and cut costs. Yes, VPN is a crappy metric to use although I'm sure that isn't the only metric she used. Yes, telecommuting works for a lot of people and can be a huge cost saver for companies.

But please, let's spare me the "telecommuting is the Holy Grail" for all employees and for all businesses. Fact is every company has terrible employees and they will game the system no matter where they are.

Comment Garmin Forerunner (Score 1) 327

Other than the Garmin Forerunner models, where I can definitely see the iWatch being a drastic improvement over the terrible Forerunner UI, I don't know how many markets this really disrupts. However, I do think the bigger loser would be Garmin as I don't know anyone who would buy their watch products as long as the iWatch improved battery/data collection life. /perspective of an ultrarunner

Comment MobileIron (Score 4, Interesting) 510

We are actually in the midst of going through something similar at my company (a very open, not secretive environmental firm). We recognized through employee surveillance and traffic logs that cell phones were a huge security risk at our firm and the decision was made to control as much as we could while still maintaining our "Mom & Pop" company feel.

We switched all of our cell phones from one carrier to ATT and we purchased the MobileIron software (VPS and Sentry) to control all the aspects of the company phones that enter our buildings. In addition, for the people who chose the monthly subsidy as opposed to a company phone, we prevent them from getting WiFi access from within our offices as best we can (MAC whitelisting isn't foolproof but helps with 99% of our users). We don't allow the non-company provided phones to work if they are plugged into workstations via USB cable. With MobileIron I can control basically every aspect of their smartphones including camera control, data usage, app installs, etc.

Now, we don't have this fully running in production yet so I can't comment on the pitfalls I'm sure to face, but the short answer is workplaces don't necessarily need to ban smartphones as that could actually cripple some business processes; however, they are definitely a security threat that need to be managed just like other corporate and employee owned devices.

Comment Rough on the Adult (Score 4, Informative) 101

I'm a 33 year old homeowner with a full-time job and a LLC to do small consulting projects under. I have a fiance, a husky/samoyed/malamute mix and about a half acre of property to maintain now that it's spring time here in New York. I also have two small entrepreneurial ideas I am trying to subcontract out to some friends as a side project. I'm really well scheduled with my time and I decided to try and do 2 courses at once - Algo I and Cryptography.

I made it two weeks.

A problem set, a homework and at least 4.5 hours worth of video without even looking at the suggested texts that were outlined in the first set of videos - and that was one course (Algos). With 1 week deadlines, there is a serious time crunch that doesn't allow for much in the way of "unexpected happenstance" like when I needed to do some electrical rewiring in my kitchen or assemble 3 pieces of outdoor furniture. I fully admit that I bit off more than I could chew signing up for two courses. I also fully admit that I probably need to sacrifice something on my list above in order to free up more time, but I'm not sure I can bury the fiance in the backyard legally. However, I fully understand now why people say it's _really_ (read - not impossible) difficult to continue schooling once "real life starts".

I wish the deadline schedule was a little more lenient although I do understand its purpose and I realize my outside commitments account for a large chunk of my problems. A little more leniency in the schedule would have really helped me "find the time".

Comment Re:Now's the Time (Score 2, Informative) 310

I hear this claim made a lot, though I never see any warrants to back it up. Lots of people have expressed how Facebook is "so much harder to use," but never say where.

You've obviously never used Facebook then.

First, they separated the feed into two - the News Feed and the Live Feed. No one could fully understand what the News Feed even was other than a bastardized version of the more complete Live Feed. Then, no matter how many times you selected Live Feed, after a certain period of time, your home page would default back to the News Feed. Then, they changed their privacy settings so that if you once had a locked down account, the default settings would share more info than you were previously.

Now, with the most recent update, the Live Feed has just disappeared, the News Feed isn't complete, the Top Stories feed lists things completely out of order with new posts buried down on the page, the Live Feed has somewhat been broken out under the Friends -> Status Updates/Recently Updated section, but even that section is incomplete as I have friends who have made status updates today that don't display under any category. My lady friend whom I stalk with computer nerd like determination posted a new video of her animals that doesn't show up anywhere unless I click directly on her profile.

That enough examples for you?

Comment More "Scraping" (Score 3, Insightful) 68

Although in the minority I'm sure, I look at Google as the largest scraper of content there is. If you think about it, they give users snippets of your original content and then take that content and use it to deliver targeted advertisements before the user even clicks on your content.

Now, enter the same business model, add some revenue sharing and a whole bunch of smaller players with their own domains armed with CSS stylized IFRAMES and you will see the "authoritative portal/directory sites" grow pretty quickly. As someone who creates his own unique content (with no ads currently), moves like this do make me think twice about the future of search and creating content for other people to scrape and profit from. Sure, I understand the point of "without the search engine no one would ever find my site", but at some point content creators have to worry about others profiting off their efforts (/end violin playing).

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