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User Journal

Journal Journal: No Sweat

After leaving Team San Jose for a consulting project with Stanford University and mobile hospitality app developer NugoUgo, I have also began consulting for a medical device startup, Miramar Labs, in Sunnyvale. I'm also writing for MMOSite and Examiner.

From the financial end I've managed to get my wife and I out of debt, then of course picked up a second car for her and finally am hoping to start chopping away at our mortgage. Unfortunately I feel like a zombie most days.

eStock me:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slingin’ San Jose

Iâ(TM)ve recently been hired as the Online Content Producer for Team San Jose who is currently working on the revamping their website, www.sanjose.org As part of my responsibilities I have been asked to see what level of interest the online community has with allowing for the inclusion of syndicated bay area blog content and general user generated content, such as the uploading of photos by site visitors and the submission of venue reviews.

Keeping in mind our ultimate goal is to generate an online community that responds to events that happen within the city of San Jose and create an accurate picture of the city. To better help others facilitate this, what features would you find most desirable to have offered from our site?

An additional inquiry Iâ(TM)d appreciate feedback on is how you view the city of San Jose as a destination, and not just another city on the map. Many people consider San Jose to be the heart of Silicon Valley with its history with companies such as IBM, however, how do you feel towards San Jose as a place of tourism and fun? While its location allows for a plethora of adventures 30 to 90 minutes in any direction, what venues, services and hot spots, that are not business related, bring you to San Jose? If business has been your only interest within the city, what places have you considered to be the most favorable and the least enjoyable?



Journal Journal: Design, Marketing & Advertising - I do it all

Since 1999 I have been working in the creative services industry, specializing in developing and implementing high-impact marketing collateral and facilitating advertising campaigns for individual, small and corporate businesses. I have an in-depth experience applying design fundamentals to produce both innovative print and web pieces.

I've worked on projects including corporate identity, logos, brochures, direct mail campaigns, magazine advertisements, trade-show graphics, extensive offering memorandums, photo manipulation and touch up, story boards, event planning, property signage, presentations, websites, SEO/SEM, newsletters and reports. I have a long-term vision and continually strive to exceed client expectations to ensure that the relationship between them and their target audience is strengthened and grows from a direct result of my creations.

I would like an opportunity to visit with you and receive your insight and suggestions on where my skills and abilities would be of the greatest value to your company. My salary requirement is in the $80,000 - $90,000 range.

Michael G. Hurston

User Journal

Journal Journal: RPGBomb Exclusives

This summer RPGBomb, the only true social site for gamers by gamers, will be launching a new online store. Morbidgames will be offering special discounts and offers exclusively via our friends list on this site throughout the summer. If you'd like to get in on the action sign up with RPGBomb via our referral link and you'll automatically be added to our friends list. http://rpgbomb.com/signup/refid_812/

RPGBomb is truly one of the best places on the web if you are into any type of gaming, from role playing games, tabletop games to video games and MMO's - their users play them all. If you're looking for gamers in your area or just want to hear the latest from game conventions then visit http://rpgbomb.com/signup/refid_812/

User Journal

Journal Journal: Lore: Forgotten Mythos Released!


Lore: Forgotten Mythos is a collection of stories, places, monsters and people within the world of Ave Molech, written by aspiring authors and fans of the game. Each of these additions is designed to flesh out the world and will continue to help GM's and players of Ave Molech with ideas for their own campaigns.

While the book can be read without having extensive knowledge of the world of Ave Molech, it does assume some familiarity with the campaign setting. Key words of places, beings and technology are used, though the average reader may be able to grasp their meaning or influence.

While these stories take place in the world of Ave Molech, they were written by fans of the world and some elements in them may vary from what is found within the Ave Molech Campaign Setting.

Available for $2.00 at:

Morbidgames Emporium:


DriveThru RPG

Drivethru Fantasy




User Journal

Journal Journal: MORBIDGAMES - Ave Molech: History & World Released

Ave Molech: History & World is a 37-page version of our Second Edition Campaign Setting. This condensed setting removes the game mechanics, classes, occupations and most artwork to give prospective GM's and players a look into the actual world, races and organizations within Ave Molech. In addition, this product should help those who may not want or be able to print out larger sized PDF's or find shorter PDF's easier to manage.

Important: If you own Ave Molech Second Edition you have all of this information.

Available for FREE from the MORBIDGAMES Emporium or at these online retailers for $2.00 MORBIDGAMES Emporium You can also get it the 16th here too!
DriveThru RPG
Drivethru Fantasy

User Journal

Journal Journal: MORBIDGAMES seeks talented writers for new book

MORBIDGAMES is looking for writers of all backgrounds to contribute to Ave Molech Lore: Forgotten Mythos, the second book in the Lore Series due out this summer.

Ave Molech Lore: Forgotten Mythos is a compilation of extended backgrounds on the races, organizations, classes, places, and characters in the world of Ave Molech. It will also feature additional campaign ideas and possibly some fan fiction.

Not only is this a great opportunity for fledgling writers to get their work out in the public and start to build their writing portfolios, but it's a way for some of the more seasoned writers who enjoy the world of Ave Molech to help expand on one of their favorite games.

Guidelines for submissions can be found at www.morbidgames.com

Writers will receive a copy of the PDF's produced as well as additional Ave Molech items for free.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Vote for MORBIDGAMES :)


Idea Description

I started a small online PDF publishing company in 2006 with just 1 game that I wrote and did the artwork for myself. Over the last couple years I have continued to write for this world as well as have been able to pull in various other artists and writers to contribute to my world with no cost. The company now has had just over 1,000 downloads since the first release and I would like to expand this company to grow and become profitable.

What will you do if you win $10,000 for this idea?

I've never been able to put any money into this company of my own, although it has generated a small amount of sales, approximately $1,000 per year gross. Unfortunately my biggest draw back is that I have to find the time to do everything as a one-man show. I create/maintain the website, write, send and maintain the marketing emails and lists, I do the actual writing for the game, I seek out distributors to carry the game and I do my best to promote the game via various social networking sites, but this is too much for one person to continue to do. With enough funding I would be able to actually afford to hire someone or at least have a means to focus on this as a full time position.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Morbidgames - RPGBomb - YGN

Morbidgames, RPGBomb and YourGamesNow are partnering up for a cross promotion of epic proportions. Morbidgames through YourGamesNow will be offering up its five volume Journals series for FREE to all existing and new subscribers of RPGBomb. In addition new subscribers will be able to purchase the 162-page Ave Molech Second Edition Campaign Setting for only $5.

RPGBomb is the original social networking site for gamers of all types, from tabletop RPGers to MMO players to miniature games. Come join the site that offers artists, writers, and indie publishers a chance to show off their stuff in a community built by gamers for gamers. Sign Up Today

YourGamesNow, the sponsor of the ENnies and publisher Co-Op, delivers top indie and mainstream e-products to the masses. They offer a publisher profit sharing that puts more funds into the hands of your favorite indie publishers. If you want to support your favorite publishers, this is the place to do it at.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Morbidgames - Ave Molech Announcement

Ave Molech Hits Online Stores

It has definitely taken quite some time (5 months) but we've finally been given the notice that Ave Molech Second Edition has hit the online stores in both the US Europe. For a list of online retailers carrying the publication, you can click here to view the growing list. We've also submitted the full pdf to Amazon's "Search Inside" program which will hopefully begin the process of populating the cover image to other sites sometime next week.

New & Upcoming Projects

Well here is one of the new projects I have in the works, all about the pills that make us smaller and larger, although technically it's a lot more than pills, pretty much anything you can stick in your mouth and swallow...be it cake, pebbles turned into cakes, random vials of liquid or just a handful of mushroom stalk can all make for an interesting time. As for journals, yes we do plan on releasing a Volume 5 one soon.

Writer Submissions

We are still looking for writers for our Journal Series as well as any Ave Molech based pieces. If anyone is interested in helping out with Alice Wonderland or DijiniTech as well you can email me with any questions of visit our writer's page.

Thank You!

A big thanks to all of the people and customers who have helped this project over the last two years. We've come a long way since October 2006 and hopefully things will continue to go well from here on out. Thanks again for all your support.

Emailing List

You've recieved this email because either I know you in real life, you purchased one of my titles or you asked morbidgames/galthor publishing to periodically send you updates. If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, simply reply stating you'd like to be removed and I'll take you off. If you think you have a friend who would like to join my mailing list, then please have them send me an email at mghurston@morbidgames.com

Click to view our RSS feed here.

Role Playing (Games)

Journal Journal: 4 Years Later 1

So four years later and I finally decide to make a post on here. I guess I should mention my book Ave Molech (Second Edition) that came out. I'm still waiting for it to hit the Amazon and BnB/Borders shelves later this year, but it is available in PDF format from RPGNow.com and Drivethrurpg.com currently.

While I'm working on more stuff for the world of Ave Molech I am doing some writing on a side project called Alice Wonderland and the Abyssal Rabbit Hole to the Perditious Netherland.

More info can be found at my website morbidgames

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot sent me up the bomb

So I got banned from posting on slashdot even though I have excellent Karma. Guess I should have posted my I HATE YOU FUCKING TIMOTHY YOU ARE A COCK JOCKEY FLAIMBAIT ARTICLE POSTING FAGATRON as anonymous.

Oh well guess it's time to just make a new account, say some creative yet ambiguous references to gimp being great on linux, os-x being a lesser evil compared to ms, and replace the S in MS with a $. Get some good karma and be back in no time posting I HATE YOU SLAHSDOT FUCKERS again.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bought a BMW Z3

Just bought a 2000 BMW Z3 Roadster (2.8) for 24k....

"Only in San Jose can a 24 year old nerd drive a better car than his parents ever had" - Girlfriend after riding in the car.

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If computers take over (which seems to be their natural tendency), it will serve us right. -- Alistair Cooke
