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Re:Executive Branch sidestepping Legislative Branc  *Tuesday July 17, 2012 @04:13PM 2 1
   attached to How NY Gov. Cuomo Sidesteps Freedom of Information Requests With His Blackberry
Re:*unless you are in school for IT...  *Tuesday July 03, 2012 @02:42PM 1 1
Re:CEO is an employee  *Tuesday July 03, 2012 @02:37PM 1 1
   attached to Why Mark Zuckerberg Is a Bad Role Model For Aspiring Tech Execs
Re:That's rich  *Thursday February 23, 2012 @04:02PM  1
   attached to Microsoft Files EU Antitrust Complaint Against Motorola Mobility
Re:As cars get more tech...  *Tuesday June 14, 2011 @12:08AM  1
   attached to Nissan LEAF Leaks Speed & Location To RSS Feed
Re:Evan, the best programmer evah  *Sunday May 08, 2011 @03:51PM  1
   attached to Why the New Guy Can't Code
I for one...  *Friday December 10, 2010 @01:21PM  0
   attached to Tobacco Virus Could Boost Li Batteries
Re:No good reason  *Thursday December 02, 2010 @10:57PM  1
   attached to Sahara Solar To Power Half the World By 2050
diaspora...  *Wednesday November 24, 2010 @12:47AM 6 1
   attached to Open-Source Social Network Diaspora Goes Live
Re:I'm not interested in where these students go..  *Sunday November 21, 2010 @09:35PM 1 -1, Troll
   attached to How the 'Tech Worker Visa' Is Remaking IT In America
Queue the google+privacy jokes in ....  *Tuesday November 02, 2010 @11:39AM  0
   attached to Google Bans Sale of Android Spying App
Re:It's an ill wind that blows no good  *Saturday October 30, 2010 @01:34PM  1
   attached to Why Apple's iPad Has Been Good For Sprint
From our dept. of redundancy dept.  *Friday October 29, 2010 @05:32PM  2, Funny
   attached to US Objects To the Kilogram
Re:if i have many gigs of data to copy over somewh  *Saturday October 23, 2010 @06:45PM 1 4, Funny
   attached to The State of Linux IO Scheduling For the Desktop?
Hmm.. and I thought this was a gag gift....  *Sunday October 17, 2010 @12:59PM  1
   attached to Cooking With Your USB Ports
Do we really like our "friends" so much ?  *Friday October 15, 2010 @12:28PM  1
Market doesn't quite agree with Mr Analyst here...  *Friday October 15, 2010 @12:24PM  1
"Social Web" is...  *Friday October 15, 2010 @12:20PM 2 2, Insightful
   attached to Facebook, Microsoft Team Up Against Google
Re:No competetion for programmers workstation  *Friday October 08, 2010 @08:12PM  1
No competetion for programmers workstation  *Thursday October 07, 2010 @05:03PM 5 5, Interesting
   attached to Ubuntu Won't Moan To EU About Microsoft
Re:Good  *Thursday October 07, 2010 @05:18PM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to Flat Pay Prompts 1 In 3 In IT To Consider Jump
Downfall of western civilization...  *Wednesday October 06, 2010 @05:36PM  1
   attached to Top Reason for Facebook Unfriending Is Too Many Useless Posts
Re:Stupid shit  *Wednesday October 06, 2010 @05:01PM 4 1
   attached to Building the Realtime User Experience
Re:A few quick points...  *Tuesday October 05, 2010 @11:29PM  1
   attached to Can Large Scale NAT Save IPv4?

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
