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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 12 declined, 2 accepted (14 total, 14.29% accepted)


Submission + - Rep. Mike Rogers dismisses CISPA opponents "14 year old tweeter on the internet"

gale the simple writes: Mike Rodgers made a minor splash today when he decided to liken CISPA opponents to a 14 year old basement dwellers. EFF , naturally, immediately picked up on this generalization and asked everyone to let the representative know that it is not just the 14 year olds that care about the privacy and the government raping our collective behinds, metaphorically speaking.

If you happen to be older than the 14 year old, do not hesitate to contact the Michigan representative to give him some sort of idea about the people who actually oppose him.

Twitter-wise, he can be reached at @RepMikeRogers

Submission + - Government lawyer says patent trolls are a 'concern' (eff.org)

gale the simple writes: "While it is fairly common for the jaded and cynical to ride on the lawyers these days( often including Henry VI's famous line about them ), every now and then we can see that they are not always the plague and scourge of the earth.
EFF again shows that even lawyers can do good in this world. All jokes aside, something seems to have moved. Maybe all that blood letting between the major corporations ( apple vs samsung ) made the leaders recognize that MAD world of patents might not be very stable."

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