Comment Absolute Trash (Score 1) 163
This is just absolute trash. It has to be an observational study based on food questionnaires. Something along the lines of for 10 years we asked 500,000 brits what they ate in the last year. No one was tracked closely, it was not a double blind study. Plus there are many confounders. Like people who avoid salt do so because they believe it will improve their health. People like that tend to have money, see a doctor regular, do not smoke or drink. It is almost impossible for them not to have better health outcomes than someone who is poor, broke, stressed, eats what they can afford and only sees a doctor when something is very very wrong. Which means we end up with statements like this:
The study, which involved more than 500,000 Brits, calculated that one extra person in every 100 who add salt to their food MAY die young.
At best maybe there is a 1% increase in dying earlier if you add table salt to your food. Never mind double blind studies that show what happen to people who do not get enough sodium.