If you are holding short term, then no, there is nothing else but betting on the bigger fool.
If you are holding long term, then you can make money on dividends and on the increase in value of a stock because a good company should appreciate in value faster than the average value of the market [e.g. S&P500 index] + inflation. Many of those companies [and a few exchange traded funds] which have this behavior also pay dividends. So looking at funds in a pension which ideally you want to try not to touch, investing long in dividend bearing vehicles can be a good strategy.
Note that the Long strategy is on the order of years where what these guys are doing is more like minutes and hours.
I agree with other posts here that point out these guys didn't do anything that any other trader isn't constantly doing; the one difference might possibly be if it can be proved these guys had insider knowledge of how this particular algo was behaving to take advantage of it, like if they had worked for Timber Hill at one point.