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Comment Re:Tanking Reddit like Elon tanked Twitter? (Score 1) 158

I wonder what Reddit's current shareholders think of that idea?

They are the ones driving this fight. The venture capital invested in Reddit has long soured and everyone is looking for the exit, and that demands an IPO at a good enough price to make whole, and preventing the most engaged users from bypassing ads is a prerequisite for a reasonable IPO valuation.

Submission + - SubGenius Cult Launches $25k Fundraiser to Build an Alien Beacon ( 4

Ktaden Legume writes: Rev. Ivan Stang of the Church of the SubGenius today announced that the SubGenius Foundation's Forbidden Science Ministry is launching an initiative and fundraising campaign to construct a device called "The Beacon". This device, it is claimed by the developers, will "decloak the Xist escape saucer presently orbiting Earth and summon it to rescue those willing to make the pilgrimage to the deployment site".

This startling new development in the SubGenius doctrine comes on the heels of an announcement of the discovery of notebooks and blueprints allegedly belonging to church founder J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, describing several unfinished inventions, including the Beacon. The Beacon will be constructed by a team of 'Forbidden Scientists' led by former church CEO Dr. K'taden Legume.

Comment Re:Polls were wrong everywhere (Score 1) 286

Maybe it's because the plan was the skew the polls to suppress the GOP vote by oversampling Democrats?

Minorities (not Democrats) are oversampled because they are minorities.

But oversampling doesn't mean what you're implying. It means if you are trying to accurately track the behavior of a minority group and only have the budget for a limited (often times in the low hundreds) data set you MUST poll more minorities constituents than otherwise would come up, or else (as happened in the LA times tracking poll) a single outlier participant can skew the results for all.

So you poll more people than their share of the electorate, BUT THEN YOU DIVIDE BY THE OVERSAMPLE FACTOR. This is statistics 101.

Comment Re:Ad money comes from somewhere (Score 1) 28

Ad spending in the US was $200billion in 2016, for a US labor force of 160mil. That's basically an annual $1200 tax on everyone for the privilege of having ads shoved in their faces.

Another, I would argue more representative, way of putting things is that advertising costs ~1% of GDP.

One could view that as a small price to pay for consumer lubrication.

Comment Re:Fine by me (Score 1) 248

Now, if only I could find a liquid hand soap that doesn't contain moisturizers...

I would like to believe that the fact most hand soaps have moisturizers will decrease since it was always the fucking "antibacterial" agents which caused most of the skin damage in the first place.

Comment Re:I'm not a car guy (Score 1) 215

Do you know the most popular stolen car is still 90s Hondas? Rarely do newer cars get stolen anymore.

90's Hondas weren't the most popular car to steal in the 90's. You're confusing the stolen car market (parts) with ease of theft. New cars aren't stolen at the same rate as older cars not because they are harder to steal, but because there demand isn't there for their parts.

Honda always tops the list not because Hondas are easier to steal, but because they are ubiquitous (thus probability is in their favor when it comes to the joyride market) and because the black market for parts (organized theft) needs more Honda parts than Mercedes.

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