Comment Re:I guess they would never have hired (Score 1, Funny) 743
"People have quoted me as saying all kinds of shit I never said." - Albert Einstein
"People have quoted me as saying all kinds of shit I never said." - Albert Einstein
potato, po-dumb-fucking-excuse-for-trying-to-stop-progress-instead-of-adapting.
Hahaha, "creating."
This site has been an echo chamber since the 21st century was "the future." Go ahead, look at your own score.
What I really love about you guys is that you think your ignorance is a badge of honor, and you parade around this attitude while you act like some sort of "intellectual elite."
The ironies make me tingle.
I'm absolutely shocked to learn that you have no sense of humor. Couldn't possibly imagine that...
Yes! Yes! The service providers should be forced to give us what we want, when we want it, for the price we want to pay. Realities be damned! I'm a nerd and I DEMAND THE WORLD BE FORCED TO SATISFY ME.
You people basically prove the truism that the more you get, the more you want. There is so much pure timewasting entertainment available at amazingly low cost that you can't even keep up with a significant percentage of it if you tried, but it's not enough, no, MORE MORE MORE for you. It's heartbreaking to see this, more than anything else, is the cause with which you've all aligned.
Damn, you people are frightening...
Luckily the same sort of mental defect that leads you to believe that all opinions you don't share must be paid for is the same sort of thing that keeps you from being cogent enough to persuade anyone who doesn't already agree with you.
What scares me the most is that assholes like you actually believe this...
Wake UP! There is no grand conspiracy, just millions of people pulling in their own directions... and millions like you who don't want to pull at all, then whine when you get dragged somewhere you don't want to be.
No, generally, this level of presumption about how I feel turns me off so much that I would rather oppose you across the board than support you in any way.
Keep your arrogance in check. You (and those who agree with you) aren't nearly as brilliant as you think you are, and you aren't helping yourself by only paying attention to feedback loops and dismissing any opinions that aren't your own.
Nerd speak decoded:
anything at all -> whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch
The modern definition of "economy in the toilet" seems to be "they aren't handing out free BMWs even though I whined a lot."
For a bunch of whiners who want everything for free you people sure expect to be highly paid. Where does this money come from exactly, when you won't tolerate anything being sold? Maybe you expect the rich to donate to your life? (I know, there's no maybe about it. I've read your "manifestos.")
That's not really the case. The simple, distasteful truth is that most people are not capable of critical thinking on any level that is of use to society at large. Unfortunately our societal desires to be "progressive" by forcefully redistributing resources to prop these weaker people up are working at cross-purposes to any ability to actually progress.
This isn't proper populist thinking, so no one wants to hear it. Same lesson as the story mentioned in the article, really - the people are stupid and shouldn't be trusted.
What I hate are the console games ruined by trying to cater to PC nerds. Since you guys hate everything and pirate it all anyway I wish they'd just give up on you and concentrate on the grateful gamers.
When a European chastises an American for not taking into consideration "the rest of the world" what the European really means is "Northern Europe."
It's almost irony.
"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain