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Comment My real-world impression (Score 2) 260

First test - some python (scikit-learn&pandas&mathplotlib) notebook doing a grid search:
- i7-Macbook = 5min 37 seconds
- M1-Macbook = 1min 57 seconds (!)

Second test - side by side Teams call - ±2hours
- i7-Macbook = battery down to 45% - hot case and cpu
- M1-Macbook = battery down 10% - dead cold

It's not a benchmark. It's just real life.

Comment Listening to noise is cheaper and more effective (Score 1) 119

What’s the difference of getting close to your house and listening for noise coming from inside? It’s even much more effective - since you don’t need to bring you laptop and try to grab the correct WiFi signal. BTW - the solution is plug your camera to a Ethernet cable. Or upload the content on the cloud at random time. Come on - guys this is ridiculously obvious... science should be something different from making noise on the web with news like this one.

Comment Why google dns should be better than my ISP dns? (Score 1) 104

My campus network runs a dns server. I trust it more than googleâ(TM)s for sure. My isp, that I PAY, run a dns server. I trust it more than googleâ(TM)s. My mobile provider, which I PAY, run a solid dns service. I trust it more than googleâ(TM)s one. Lucky Iâ(TM)m using safari... so I donâ(TM)t care. But this move is really fishing...

Comment What about tracker blockers? (Score 1) 95

In case you are interested, other researchers have compared popular tracker blockers in a recent paper titled "Benchmark and Comparison of Tracker-blockers: Should You Trust Them?". Results shows that your mileage may vary, with some plugins performing overall quite poorly. Here is the link to the conference program and here the PDF of the paper.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 238

If you mind reading the paper, or checking the slides, they say that "according to Internet Watch Foundation Blacklist, only 5% of their entries is based on pure domain or subdomain"... Now how to impose parental control of www.facebook.com/mypornpage?

Submission + - Cloud Storage Comparison

fasuin writes: Which is the most advanced cloud storage solution? Which is the impact of server locations? What are the benefits of advanced techniques to optimise data transfers? Researchers from Italy and The Netherlands have come out with a set of benchmarks that allowed them to compare Dropbox, CloudDrive, SkyDrive and GoogleDrive. Which is the best? You can check it by yourself by running the tests on your own if you like.

Comment STOP measuring jitter, packet loss, upload speed! (Score -1, Troll) 47

How the hell we are still "measuring" throughput, packet loss and RTT in 2011???? My wife want to know if she can "WATCH YOUTUBE" , "SEND A PICTURE VIA EMAIL", "PLAY HER FAVORITE SHOW ON TV". It's like the PC. People don't care about how many GHz, GB, Mcolors the box has. They care about what they can do... It's like for cars: who's interested in checking the engine, knowing which brakes and knowing the maximum speed... It's really time to get rid of this sticky measures...

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