No argument on your first point.
It will be interesting to see if they will also try and get rid of term limits this term, so trump can become a dictator for life,
I think that'll be more difficult as it would require changing the Constitution and, even though some suck-up Republican Congressman (okay, redundant) has written up a bill to do that, practically (I don't think) it could be done before Trump left office, as it would require 2/3 of Congress and then 3/4 (38) of states to ratify it. Currently, only 23 states are completely controlled by Republicans (Governor, House, Senate). Even if that happened, Trump will 82 at the end of this term and would be 86 at the end of the next term when he could run again. I can't imagine even his staunchest supporters voting him back in at that point. I suppose there are some shenanigans I can't think of, but it seems pretty far-fetched. Also, Republicans would have to be okay with Democrats being eligible for 3 terms going forward.
I heard talk of trying to tailor the amendment to just Presidents that didn't have two consecutive terms, ostensibly to try and tailor it to Trump, but can't imagine that passing over the more general just three terms. The latter, of course, would allow Obama to run again...
Of course, none of that matters if Trump continues to declare himself King and Republicans and SCOTUS go along with that.
It's going to be a long 4 years -- or even 2 years until mod-term elections.