Comment Wait... (Score 1) 135
Did they include all the aspiring actors/actresses working as waiters in that estimate?
Did they include all the aspiring actors/actresses working as waiters in that estimate?
See also: "A Colder War"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
If anyone is going to bring us Shadowrun-style corporate arcologies, it'll be Google.
The jobs of the future may be done by robots, but they'll need people to build and maintain those robots.
"I prepared Explosive Runes today."
Not to Godwin the thread or anything, but "I was just following orders" didn't work well as a defense at the Nuremberg trials. Just sayin'.
"There'd better be some sort of concrete proof"
Game companies don't provide ban evidence to end-users, because cheaters always request it so they can improve their cheat progs so that their next account can avoid the banhammer.
for the most part, this statement is true of non-virtual cards as well.
Vault-Tec stock is up!
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.