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Comment Re:Some really dumb investors. (Score 1) 167

I haven't explored their site. I get your point, but don't undermine and undervalue the work of software professionals. It devalues the line of work, debases earning demands while distorting expectations regarding quality, duration and cost of software products.
I challenge you to recreate their homepage in about a day in whatever! There is much planning, thought and work that went into it I'm sure. Even the templates you buy for X amount schlep together in a day took more than a day to build.

As to your dumb investors comment. You are most likely right, there is plenty of eager money out there looking for investment. There are also astute investors. One potential scenario I could see is pumping/hyping Ello with intention of shorting FB.

Comment Supply meets demand (Score 1) 293

This is wrong. Yes, people have a natural greater affinity toward their own kind. However, to systematically and blatantly discriminate is illegal. The favored being a minority doesn't exempt one from discrimination based on national origin.

Supply serves a demand. I would like to see further investigation into the demand (specific corporations) this corruption meets the needs of. There is clear abuse of H1-B at the expense of the employee (the product):
  1. The qualified American worker who can't get a job or whose market value is being diluted by unqualified foreign workers who'll take much less to subsidize non-American oversea lifestyles.
  2. The qualified South Asian worker not getting a fair salary or being stereotyped as one who doesn't deserve his/her merit as an exceptional talent.

Comment Re:Tell your boss to go into brick laying (Score 1) 716

Also hit the idiot back with the same logic. "So if the company makes a loss and/or we don't get a pay raise/bonus to keep up with inflation or worse get lower salaries, you should dig into your personal assets to make up for it as you've failed in your role as a manager."

Comment Tell your boss to go into brick laying (Score 1) 716

Tell your boss to go into brick laying.

Brick layer factors that into his cost. Furthermore, building a wall is something that can be mastered, whereas, writing bug-free code when working on something new and uncharted everyday can't. You are often pushing the boundaries of human capacity to maintain that logic flawlessly.

If he wants bug-free code, he needs to put up the cash, shut his mouth and pay for the additional hours required to produce bug free code as they do in missing critical software. You want a new bug-free widget? Okay, give me 6 months and well-defined specs.

The truth of the matter is that your boss has never programmed and is clueless about what it is. He looks down at you purely as an expense nothing more. The truth is that he is too dumb to be a programmer as if he was a smart guy/gal in the first place, he'd educate himself on what/whom he is managing. Good news for you is when there is economic hardship, he will be begging for jobs whereas you, with your concrete skill set, will have opportunities.

Comment Option to turn off advertising (Score 1) 127

Where has the option to disable advertising gone?
Here's the funny thing. Out of appreciation of being given a choice, I chose to not disable. However, now that it's gone, I feel as if it's forced down my throat.
I haven't tried Beta, but I'm gonna go ahead and join the revolt simply because "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'm satisfied with Slashdot Classic.

Submission + - Federal Court kills Net Neutrality, says FCC lacks authority. (gizmodo.com)

An anonymous reader writes: According to a report from Gizmodo, a US Appeals Court has invalidated the FCC's Net Neutrality rules. From the decision: "Given that the Commission has chosen to classify broadband providers in a manner that exempts them from treatment as common carriers, the Communications Act expressly prohibits the Commission from nonetheless regulating them as such. Because the Commission has failed to establish that the anti-discrimination and anti-blocking rules do not impose per se common carrier obligations, we vacate those portions of the Open Internet Order."

Could this be the final nail in the coffin for Net Neutrality? Or will the FCC fight back? This submitter really, really hopes they fight back...

Comment I'm fing fed up by American exceptionalism... (Score 4, Insightful) 215

I'm going to catch the wrath of my fellow flag-wrapped, self-professed "patriotic" American countrymen, but I'm fucking fed up and feel the need to speak up.
This sick propaganda starts with the media. Fuck reading a story's contents, you give me the color/race, ethnicity, religion, sexual-orientation, wealth/affluence, partisanship of the story (domestic and international), I'll tell you exactly what the reactions of my countrymen will be regardless of the facts. This post-colonial imperialism is sickening and runs through the veins of our society from top to bottom. It creates double standards, domestically and internationally.
China and its Ministry of Agriculture rejects unapproved goods just like our FDA would. How dare they expect the same as us? Let the smear campaign begin! China executes Uyghur Muslims, all of a sudden China is the best. Why? Because in our hierarchical caste system, China seems ranks higher than Muslims. This is the reality, a single stamp on your forehead of an identity defines one entirely and groups you with a stereotype irrelevant of the facts. And if you think that people are willingly going to accept second-class treatment, you are tripping, keep investing in the military as this is the only way.
This is exactly why:
  • we are bending over and taking it as our gov't sells out its citizen's right to privacy
  • some rich white kid gets off with "affluenza"
  • Zimmerman, had irrational support cult-like following
  • Snowden, a true patriot, is on the run from his own gov't
  • we have murdered, YES MURDERED, hundreds of thousands of people in many wars
  • Discriminatory anti-Muslim rhetoric is flowing openly. Sikhs are targeted as Muslims, we condemn the acts afterwards because "they aren't even Muslims"
  • ...

These double standards and injustices go on BECAUSE you permit it to happen. I'm the fucking patriot here, you are just a mindless sheep falling in line, fuck you!

Comment Re:That seems an awful lot of engineers (Score 1) 32

Shouldn't judge an iceberg by its tip.
Not to undermine the massive infrastructure twitter must maintain for its core service, Twitter has additional services such as Vine (short Video sharing) and TwitterTV (from the jobs posted). In addition, maintaining an API which multitude of businesses, academics and individuals rely has its own challenges. I'm sure I'm missing more info, but the point is there is much more going on at Twitter (as with most other companies) than the simple services the general public seems to be exposed to and these services are created and serviced by employees.

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