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Comment I don't think this is really true. (Score 2) 153

Postgrad students at our faculty were developing face-recognition stuff that can easily and percisely tag almost all photos we were able to stuff in it. In microseconds. I guess it would be really weird if facebook didn't have this technology available long time ago (it isn't really that hard either).

Comment Isn't this too complicated? (Score 2) 248

I mean, If it's already slowed down like this, why not just gently land the rocket into the ocean and take it up with some prepared nets/ropes? IMHO it can save a lot of headache from trying to hit a platform this small.

If the water getting in the rocket is problem, what about a gigantic sheet of plastic on the water surface? (still cheaper and more reliable than hitting the landing pad).

Comment Look from the K.I.S.S. side (Score 3, Interesting) 175

From a bit different perspective (largely unix-practical) -- when not having enough resources, you are forced to keep stuff simple. That's usually good, isn't it?

Anyway, I always wondered why is OpenSSL such a bloated pile of code. It does one god damn gazillion things tightly packed. Now, TLS implementation itself is pretty simple, Key management tools are pretty simple, PKCS verification tools are pretty simple, mathematics behind that is pretty simple, commandline tools for quickusing the maths are simple, relationship between those entities ("APIs") are well-defined and usually clear. Who stuffed all of it into one project?!

PS. Bonus paranoia&FUD I saw today: http://pastebin.com/gjkivAf3

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