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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 62 declined, 8 accepted (70 total, 11.43% accepted)


Submission + - U.S. Navy breaks LASER record (

ectotherm writes: The U.S. Navy has broken the existing record for the power of a LASER. Their new free-electron LASER can burn through 200 feet of steel per second. Next step: weaponization. Now all we need to do is upgrade the sharks...

Submission + - Facebook leads to increase in STDs

ectotherm writes: According to Professor Peter Kelly, a director of Public Health in Great Britain: "There has been a four-fold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected, with more young women being affected." Why the increase? People meeting up for casual sex through Facebook. According to the article "Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex. There is a rise in syphilis because people are having more sexual partners than 20 years ago and often do not use condoms."

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Submission + - From the Department of DUH! (

ectotherm writes: See the most obvious scientific discoveries of 2009, actually backed up by scientific studies. These include such no-brainers as 'Men are much more interested in casual sex than women.'

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
