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Submission + - FDA disagrees with WHO on cancer-causing effects of aspartame (cnbc.com)

ectotherm writes: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration disagrees with a World Health Organization finding that the widely used soda sweetener aspartame possibly causes cancer in humans, saying the studies used to reach that conclusion had “significant shortcomings.”

Submission + - U.S. Navy breaks LASER record (foxnews.com)

ectotherm writes: The U.S. Navy has broken the existing record for the power of a LASER. Their new free-electron LASER can burn through 200 feet of steel per second. Next step: weaponization. Now all we need to do is upgrade the sharks...

Comment Re:The main issue (Score 1) 495

Three words: Become a consultant. Consultants get paid for every hour they work. If the client keeps loading up the work and responsibility, and pushes your weekly hours north of 60, so what?! You get paid for it! And if your client decides they don't want to burn too much budget on consulting fees, so what?! You work 40 hours and have an increased quality of life! I've spent half of my 20-year IT career as a consultant in one capacity or another, and have enjoyed 1.) getting paid for ALL of the work I do, 2.) the increased salary consultants get over a full-time employee, and 3.) the vast opportunities offered by working at myriad types of client. Having a diverse set of marketable job experiences WILL help you find work- contract or full time. And yes, if you work for a firm as a W2 employee, you CAN have both healthcare and 401k benefits. 1099 independent contractors make more $$, but are on their own for benefits. Albeit you have to be a bit more saavy with money to be a consultant, as in have 6-10 months of salary saved in case of lean times. But consulting sure as hell does help prevent you from getting "Lumbergh'd." Sure, I'll work Saturday if you need me to... Cha-ching! Work responsibilities piling up = license to print money. And remember, job security is soooooo 1980s. At least when you are a contractor you are more likely to know when the end is coming (end of contract). Layoffs are usually less predictable.

Comment Well... (Score 1) 2

The original form of propulsion was rockets, as in the primitive weapons that evolved in China. Seeing that history repeats itself, and tends to be circular, it was Mento happen...

Comment Re:Limey (Score 1) 302

Simple answer to the privacy solution: Don't put any information on Facebook that you don't want used by marketers/against you/exposed to the world. No matter WHAT the Facebook privacy policy says, putting your picture/address/phone number/vacation schedule online is a bad move. Why? Because once the information is out there, it is out of your control. Even if Facebook offers a guaranteed privacy policy that your information will NEVER be shared with ANYONE, what about hackers? What about internal Facebook employees that sell your data on the black market? What about "former" Facebook friends that now decide to do something nasty with your data, e.g. sign you up as a donor/interested party in the Church of Scientology? Think I'm just another "tinfoil-hat wearing paranoiac?" Read Database Nation sometime. A little data goes a long way. http://www.databasenation.com/home.htm The bottom line is that Facebook users need to be smarter about what they put online. Anyone who would put their vacation schedule online, a.k.a. "when I won't be home" is asking to be robbed. By the way, the same applies to Twitter. There was a site set up to illustrate how dumb Twitter users are in announcing where they are every minute of the day http://pleaserobme.com/ Smarten up Facebook denizens. The power to protect your privacy is in YOUR hands. Don't let this issue become another "we need the government to step in" situation. The smart man digs his well BEFORE he is thirsty. Think ahead.

Testing the Safety of Tasers On Meth-Addled Sheep 253

Funded in part by Taser International, a recent study was done to learn the effects of being tasered while on methamphetamines. Since someone would probably complain about researchers going around and tasering meth addicts, they used sheep instead. From the article: "The less-lethal device of choice was the Taser X26, a standard law enforcement tool which can fire at suspects from a distance of 35 feet. Researchers shocked sixteen anesthetized sheep after dosing the animals with an IV drip of methamphetamine hydrochloride. Some of the smaller sheep weighing less than 70.5 pounds suffered exacerbated heart symptoms related to meth use. But neither the smaller nor larger sheep showed signs of the ventricular fibrillation condition, a highly abnormal heart rhythm that can become fatal."

Facebook Leads To Increase In STDs in Britain 270

ectotherm writes "According to Professor Peter Kelly, a director of Public Health in Great Britain: 'There has been a four-fold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected, with more young women being affected.' Why the increase? People meeting up for casual sex through Facebook. According to the article, 'Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex. There is a rise in syphilis because people are having more sexual partners than 20 years ago and often do not use condoms.'"

Submission + - Facebook leads to increase in STDs

ectotherm writes: According to Professor Peter Kelly, a director of Public Health in Great Britain: "There has been a four-fold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected, with more young women being affected." Why the increase? People meeting up for casual sex through Facebook. According to the article "Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex. There is a rise in syphilis because people are having more sexual partners than 20 years ago and often do not use condoms."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2904897/Sex-diseases-soaringbrdue-to-Facebook-romps.html

Tax-Free IT Repairs Proposed For the UK 102

judgecorp writes "Removing tax from computer repairs could have a real impact on the IT industry's carbon footprint, according to a petition of the UK government. Old computer equipment often ends up in landfill, or in toxic illegal re-cycling centers in developing countries, because users think it is not cost-effective to repair it. Making repairs tax free could be a simple bit of financial engineering to encourage skilled jobs and keep electronics out of the waste stream, says the author of the campaign."
Input Devices

Is the Line-in Jack On the Verge of Extinction? 411

SlashD0tter writes "Many older sound cards were shipped with line-out, microphone-in, and a line-in jacks. For years I've used such a line-in jack on an old Windows 2000 dinosaur desktop that I bought in 2000 (600 Mhz PIII) to capture the stereo audio signal from an old Technics receiver. I've used this arrangement to recover the audio from a slew of old vinyl LPs and even a few cassettes using some simple audio manipulating software from a small shop in Australia. I've noticed only recently, unfortunately, that all of the four laptops I've bought since then have omitted a line-in jack, forcing me to continue keeping this old desktop on life support. I've looked around for USB sound cards that include a line-in jack, but I haven't been too impressed by the selection. Is the line-in jack doomed to extinction, possibly due to lobbying from vested interests, or are there better thinking-outside-the-box alternatives available?"

Comment Re:Why can't we all get along? (Score 1) 248

Anything that is put online can be searched, and potentially misused. Whether or not the searcher has good or bad motives matters little. Bottom line: be careful of what you put online. One of the reasons I hate Facebook, MySpace, etc. is because they generate HUGE volumes of human stupidity. People put all kinds of information online, and then are surprised when it bites them in the ass. The family that was robbed after putting their Hawaiian vacation plans on Facebook is a classic example. I am glad that this cat killer lady got her "karmic adjustment"- people like that "need killing." But people need to realize that the Internet is not this big "anonymous" world where all information and misdeeds are untraceable. The World Wide Web is fast becoming like a small, mid-western town where everyone knows or can find out everyone else's business...

Why the First Cowboy To Draw Always Gets Shot 398

cremeglace writes "Have you ever noticed that the first cowboy to draw his gun in a Hollywood Western is invariably the one to get shot? Nobel-winning physicist Niels Bohr did, once arranging mock duels to test the validity of this cinematic curiosity. Researchers have now confirmed that people indeed move faster if they are reacting, rather than acting first."

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