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Comment AI (Score 1) 97

If all you are good for is copying and pasting AI answers, why do I need you?

Kinda reminds me of Office Space:
"I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

Comment Buy backs (Score 1, Interesting) 54

What happens when Apple eventually buys back all it's own shares? The only reason this stock rises is due to 100's of billions in buy backs.

2012 26,470 million shares outstanding
2024 15,408 million shares outstanding

That is a massive drop. Considering that a huge chunk of Apple's shares are locked up with buy and hold firms, the float is artificially constrained.

If they keep up the pace of buy backs, in 10-15 years they really will take themselves private.

Comment Re:Language should not matter (Score 3, Insightful) 175

Totally agree. Who cares what language you use?

Unless we are hiring for C++, I've never worked for an employer who hired based on language. If you code mostly C#, we ask you C# questions. If you code mostly in Java, we ask you Java questions. If you've never looked at Python and we are using Python, smart programmers will be just fine. Total non-issue.

It would be really weird to hire someone who doesn't have a firm grasp on pointers... Even if we aren't using C/C++. That would be like hiring someone who doesn't understand the very basics of how a computer works.

Related note: Students should be required to demonstrate mastery of a functional programming language to graduate.

Comment Re:I'll fix that headline for ya (Score 2) 21

That is what I was thinking. It does feel like a Theranos.

If a company has a product, and it isn't working because of a memory leak. Give them time. That is solvable. No need (in my opinion) to have to disclose much.

If a company has a product that depends on "Secret Sauce", and the "Secret Sauce" isn't working because there is a fundamental problem, not being 100% honest with investors is criminal.

There is a big gap between: "We have the "Secret Sauce", and it works!" and "We think we can invent a "Secret Sauce" that no one else on earth has figured out!"

Comment What? (Score 3, Interesting) 187

New headlights are often too bright. Plus, some car direct extreme amounts of light at the ground. If the car hits a bump, you get a flash worse than brights.

Furthermore, adaptive headlights should dim when they spot a pedestrian. At night, if you are walking and someone shines a super bright light in your face, you can't see anything at all. Same with cyclists. It isn't safe if you can't see the ground 5 feet in front of you due to some a**hole's high-beams.

Comment Who's at fault? (Score 1) 20

If the NSA hacks China, is the NSA at fault or is it China's fault for failing to keep them out? China has laws that make this a criminal act, and the US government has no qualms breaking those laws.

We hack China. China hacks us. This is the norm.

Our job is to keep them out. If we are too stupid to keep them out, we get what we deserve.

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