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Comment Re: Email is not a file transfer service (Score 2, Insightful) 260

Well I'm 74 and completely agree with the OP. His user's use case is exactly on point. Nothing could be simpler than dragging a file onto an email. No need to fuss with uploading to a service, copying links, etc. All my sent and received email, more than 20 years worth, and many with very large attachments are stored locally and take up less than 10 GB. Btw, I have owned two Teslas and they are the two best cars ever. Now get off my lawn.

Comment Re: Simple solution: (Score 1) 69

Yes, but if you play it this way you won't be able to compare scores with your friends because the word lists are different. And that's one of the big reasons people play it: to compete with their friends.

Comment Elon Musk on Space Based Solar Power (Score 2) 159

The comments of someone who knows a thing or two about the economics of space transport: "While Musk loves electric cars and spaceflight, there's one thing he hates: space solar power. "You'd have to convert photon to electron to photon back to electron. What's the conversion rate?" he says, getting riled up for the first time during his talk. "Stab that bloody thing in the heart!""

Comment Misleading Statement in Article (Score 2) 145

The linked article contains a misleading statement which is given as a quote: Autosteer is now “restricted to residential roads and roads without a center divider.” which implies that it can only be used on these type roads. Actually, the upgrade restricts driving on residential roads and roads without a center divider by limiting the maximum autopilot speed to 5 mph above the posted speed limit. So, quite a different spin. (Source Ver 7.1 release notes)

Comment Movie of the AN/USQ-7 in action (Score 2) 165

The SAGE computer (AN/USQ-7) was truly mind blowing in scope. IBM produced a very cool movie of the system in operation in 1956 (along with some great cold war propaganda) that is a wonderful time capsule to boot. It shows a scale model of the building that housed the system to allow pointing out where all the pieces were located. My father spent some time as an operator of the huge display scopes at the McChord AFB installation.

Movie here:

Comment Re:Giving it ANOTHER good try? (Score 1) 223

Not sure why a new charger from Google is big news. In addition to the original Google 'Orb' charger, the Verizon WCP-300, which is made by LG (who make the Nexus 4 and 5) works great. I've had one of those for months and like it a lot.

Wireless charging is very handy because I can just plop the phone down on it any time I'm at my desk. Without it I'd hesitate before using the normal charging cable, just to save fiddling with it and the wear and tear on the connector. And the phone stays more fully charged that way.

Comment Quotation in summary come from.... (?) (Score 1) 97

Is it too much to expect the quotation in the summary to actually come from the linked article? In part it says "Recent upgrades, ... will allow the station to be better received even in large buildings." My curiosity was piqued. What were these upgrades? Not only was there no explanation in the Wired article, none of the text quoted in the summary seems to appear in the article. WTF?

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