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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Speaking as a pilot. . . .  *Thursday November 27, 2008 @12:13AM  3, Informative
   attached to FAA Greenlights Satellite-Based Air Traffic Control System
Picking the lock is easier and quicker.  *Thursday October 30, 2008 @02:36PM  1
   attached to Duplicating Your Housekeys, From a Distance
Doing it at UNM, too.  *Friday November 02, 2007 @12:20AM  1
   attached to Students Assigned to Write Wikipedia Articles
Preview and Sort by Date?  *Friday December 15, 2006 @06:26PM  1
   attached to 15 Things Apple Should Change in Mac OS X
Re:Oh dear.  *Friday November 24, 2006 @11:34AM  1
Oh dear.  *Thursday November 23, 2006 @05:40PM 1 1
   attached to Do You Own Your Native Language?
So true.  *Tuesday November 21, 2006 @09:45AM  1
   attached to Microsoft's Battle For Software Mindshare
Blogger by any other name?  *Thursday October 12, 2006 @07:49AM  1
   attached to Best Weblog Application for Posting Source Code?
Re:Good work  *Thursday August 10, 2006 @11:20AM  1
   attached to BBC Reports UK-U.S. Terror Plot Foiled
Yes!  *Tuesday May 30, 2006 @07:57PM 1 3, Funny
   attached to Prices, Gouging and Haggling for Internet Domains?
Re:I have to say  *Tuesday May 30, 2006 @02:39PM  1
   attached to Slashdot CSS Redesign Winner Announced
Re:Works for me  *Sunday January 22, 2006 @12:52AM  2, Funny
   attached to UCLA Students Urged to Expose 'Radical' Professors
Some things are best left undefined...  *Sunday January 15, 2006 @12:13PM 1 3, Funny
   attached to NASA Stardust Returns to Earth
Re:Iron Oxide Chrondules  *Saturday January 07, 2006 @05:10AM 1 2, Informative
   attached to Raining Extraterrestrial Microbes in Kerala?
One alternative  *Wednesday December 28, 2005 @10:29AM  1
   attached to Why Haven't Online Newspapers Gotten it Right?
Re:How about venezuelan spanish?  *Monday December 26, 2005 @02:41PM  1
Re:Suggestion: Define your target listeners  *Friday December 23, 2005 @11:27AM  1
Suggestion: Define your target listeners  *Thursday December 22, 2005 @04:02PM 4 4, Informative
   attached to Best System for Learning a Foreign Language?
Re:Who really cleans up ebay's messes?  *Friday December 16, 2005 @12:55PM  1
   attached to eBay Slammed Over Levels of Fraud
Re:Microsoft lauds Scum  *Sunday November 13, 2005 @11:24AM  1
   attached to Microsoft Lauds Scrum
Re:DIY Feet  *Tuesday October 25, 2005 @05:04AM  1
Re:DIY Feet  *Monday October 24, 2005 @10:49PM  1
DIY Feet  *Monday October 24, 2005 @08:11PM 6 4, Interesting
   attached to Easy, Cheap, Effective Laptop Cooling?
Re:Don't even bother reading this  *Sunday August 28, 2005 @05:40PM  1
   attached to Technology Behind Plasma Displays

"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
