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Comment Anyone can do what this tool does (Score 1) 20

This tool may be a little faster, but especially for stalking people with a social media presence pretty much anyone can easily analyze images that people post online on instagram or X or whatever to figure out location.

So many people post images that have buildings you could easily find via Street View or the like. Or heck how many people bother to strip geotagging metadata a phone adds anyway before uploading? Even if a service strips geodata before images go out to the public that opens you up to insiders who may have access to original uploads.

To me it seems like this really would be more used by law enforcement that may only have an image or two they'd like to figure out a location from. Figuring out a normal persons location does not generally require a tool with this much ability, beyond your own willingness to examine a lot of images!

Comment No they are the same (Score 1) 118

As opposed to your own country's dark forces through X, Facebook etc.

They also collect all the same data, so what I am saying is why go to another app that just sends that data to China again? At least with a U.S. company hoovering all your data you may get some slight benefit like relevant ads or good coupons. :-)

Comment More stupid than you think (Score 2) 118

They're just gonna ban rednote.

It's stupid for that reason, yes, but to me seems even more stupid to jump from a platform that we all know sent as much info about you to China as it could, to a platform that probably collects even MORE data!

It's like people are thinking they are going to "stick it to the man" by giving away even more private data to China.

On a side note with access to all of these videos you have to wonder what kind of amazing social connection graph China is building just by running face recognition on every single person seen in every person every appearing in the background of TikTok videos.

Comment Many choices then... (Score 1) 106

Actually as a still photographer maybe you really would be better off looking at other cameras besides Canon, as I think Canon in recent years has shifted really heavily to supporting video even more than still work... but it's been a while since I seriously evaluated recent DSLR offerings so I'm not sure. I think Canon does still possibly have better high ISO support than Nikon though, which is why it would be worth looking at other systems also (since Sony is really good in that regard).

I myself only did stills for a long time, but sadly the video field has grabbed me as well so now I do a mixture.

If you can stay with stills it makes storage so much simpler...

Comment You should probably strongly consider Canon (Score 1) 106

I've been doing stuff with high end cameras for years.

If you are just doing stills, you can probably go Nikon and be OK.

But if you plant to do any stuff with video you should strongly consider Canon. They have been leading for a while in that space, both in terms of hardware and software.

Even though this new subscription for webcamming is kind of absurd, don't shut yourself out of better tech just because of it... especially if you do not plan to use it for that.

However if you are interested in video it's not like there aer no other options... maybe Sony.

It's a tricky time for camera manufacturers now as the demand is dramatically shrinking so probably this fee is a desperation move on the part of Canon... I wouldn't hold it against them too strongly. They are not doing this from a place of strength.

Comment Everyone can win that wants to (Score 1) 101

by definition, everyone cannot win yet everyone wants to.

The funny thing is, everyone can win.

The reason it is possible is because not everyone that wants to, tries.

In a game everyone cannot win because there is a defined winner and loser.

But life is not a game. Nothing is externally defined. So everyone can in fact technically win.

Comment Population not increasing much more, nearing cap (Score 1) 117

not endlessly increasing food for an endlessly increasing population

Population is not increasing much longer, we are about to run into fertility rates globally that do not even meet the replacement rate!

This also calls into question the need for some kind of food moonshot.

Comment Re:Probably, but still hoping... (Score 1) 37

they stand zero chance of ever catching up economically unless they change their design philosophy.

True but in order to change I think they need some successes to fund migration...

But they can't even get what they have working, as you noted launch was scrubbed.. maybe that itself will be motivation for real design change as you noted.

Yeah not looking good.

Comment Probably, but still hoping... (Score 1) 37

I mean, obviously we all hope it goes well, but I'm not expecting anything remotely economically competitive out of Blue Origin

Maybe not for a while but I am hoping that after some time they can at least catch up economically, and it can start with some good breaks in testing and design going well.

What they're doing is like trying to develop an operating system, without ever compiling and running it.

Yeah it's a leap, I just hope it actually works out for them even though the odds seem bad.

Comment Makes sense to me (Score 1) 118

I mean yes, I realize that cost-of-living-wise, $30 in Zimbabwe is the equivalent of about $400 in the U.S. after adjusting for average salary, but either it costs money to provide data or it doesn't,

What you are not thinking about, is that probably a user in Zimbabwe is not using nearly so much data per month as a US user.

MY mother uses Starlink for example (vastly better than any other solution she can get in her rural area), and even she has something like four devices that all use the internet, update frequently, and she has a lot of people she communicates with including video calls.

Now someone in Zimbabwe, they are probably on average not going to have so many devices, probably not doing as many things like video chatting, so I can easily see them using 2x less data than most US users, maybe up to 4x.

Also do you not think there's a likely component of trying to help countries that have generally poorer access to technology by artificially lowering Starlink prices even if they have very little, or no profit margin? A large part of what Starlink does has been humanitarian in nature, like deploying many Starlink devices for free in the wake of natural disasters.

Comment Totally wrong, excellent track record. (Score 2) 84

They're perfectly safe when properly maintained the problem is America isn't exactly well known for maintaining its infrastructure.

They are with nuclear infrastructure...

Which is why you didn't even know there are 94 licensed nuclear reactors in the United States, which have operated for decades without issue.

And they are of course planning to re-start Three Mile Island...

The only danger historically of nuclear power in the U.S.. has been when people like you sabotaged new plant builds in the seventies and forced us all to build more coal power plants. Thanks for that.

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