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Comment Re:wut (Score 1) 113

The only purpose of ham radio is broadcasting publicly.

You have this 100% wrong.

The amateur radio service is intended for station-to-station communications; amateur radio operators are in fact required to keep a log indicating the date and time of each contact and the callsign of the station contacted. "Broadcasting" is explicitly prohibited on the ham bands.

Comment Re:Force them to warrenty whole unit.. (Score 1) 526

[While] VLC cannot send more than 100% power, it can cause the speaker to operate in such a fashion that is unintended and dangerous to the life of the speaker.

You could make the same statement about Windows Media Player, or any other audio source.

In order for Dell to successfully claim that VLC is a warranty-breaker, Dell would have to prove that given the same input data, VLC causes Dell's on-board audio hardware to generate signals that damage speakers in such a way that WMP, iTunes, Winamp, etc. do not.

Dell still doesn't escape liability, because the actual signal claimed to damage the speaker came from hardware spec'ed and installed by Dell -- they would have to claim that their audio chip was not designed to accept for all foreseeable digital inputs.

Comment Re:Tough luck.. (Score 1) 923

The dirty bomb, as a weapon of mass destruction, is a myth. Disperse the radioactive material far enough to affect a large number of people, and you disperse the radiation as well. The concentration of radioactive material decreases as the square of the radius of the area of dispersal.

Forget the bomb part. Think, instead, of some alternative dispersal method, such as the dust in Robert Heinlein's "Solution Unsatisfactory". In that story, radioactive material was dispersed by bombers. Consider a more selective dispersal, like spreading it in the concourses of, say, Penn Station in Manhattan.

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