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Comment Re: Limited power to change working situation... (Score 2) 348

I have had this at the office for the past six months and love it. I know anecdotal and all that, but I switch between standing and sitting a couple times and have felt really good since getting this. I seem to have eliminated the mid afternoon sleepiness, and now I'm also much more tired when I go to sleep at night so can't make it through an episode of anything on Netflix. Feeling more energy through the day and sleeping really well through the night.

Comment Nothing is new (Score 1) 805

Since before there were cell phones, a subset of people have generally been rude and uncaring about their behavior in regards to those around them. As I now have an infant to care for, I am acutely aware of those around me and do not wish my child to disrupt anyone's dinner at the local sit down eatery, or wherever. There are people who don't care how loud their child screams and/or causes a scene, and this was the case before mobile phone were ubiquitous. I usually pick up the child and move him away from those enjoying their dinner or activity if there is a period of fussiness and/or noisiness. I treat my mobile as gingerly as a child, apologizing for any noise or disruption and excusing myself if something is pressing. However, the use of a jamming device is an even higher level of rudeness, and I see it as the equivalent of someone else attempting to discipline my child for me. Regardless of how poor I may be at it, it's still my responsibility. It's difficult to go around smacking everyone in this world that you may find rude or insulting without recourse. And there's still such a thing as asking someone politely to knock it off.

Submission + - IT Security Salaries Expected to Rise in 2011 (securityweek.com)

wiredmikey writes: IT security professionals in the United States can expect starting salaries to increase in 2011, according to a new salary report released today. The guide suggests larger increases in base compensation expected in high-demand segments including information security related positions. According to the report, companies are hiring security professionals to help foil fraud, prevent network breaches and comply with new regulations, to keep confidential information safe and secure.

The salary guide also notes that in addition to specific job-related skills and capabilities, businesses are looking for professionals with credentials such as CISSP, Check Point Security Administrator (CCSA) and Check Point Certified Security Expert (CCSE) — these certifications are often a ticket to a higher salary over standard experience and skills.


Submission + - Recently Discovered Habitable World May Not Exist (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit writes: Two weeks ago, U.S.-based astronomers announced the discovery of the first Goldilocks planet circling another star: just the right size and just the right temperature to harbor alien life. But yesterday at an exoplanet meeting in Turin, Italy, Switzerland-based astronomers announced that they could find no trace of the prized planet in their observations of the same planetary system.

Submission + - IRS servers down during crucial week (skunkpost.com)

crimeandpunishment writes: A planned server outage turned into an unplanned glitch for the Internal Revenue Service, and it comes at a very bad time. The IRS planned the server outage for the holiday weekend....but today they couldn't get the system back into operation. This week is the deadline for filing 2009 tax returns for taxpayers who got extensions. So far it's not having a huge impact since the shutdown only involves the updated version of the e-filing system, and most programs used by large tax companies like H&R Block will default to the older version. There's no estimate on when the system will be back up.

Canada's Music Lobby Buys Government Access 158

An anonymous reader writes "Copyfighting law professor Michael Geist, who previously uncovered financial links between recording industry lobbyists and Canada's Minister of Canadian Heritage Bev Oda (who is responsible for copyright policy), has now identified what big cash donations will get you. He reports that Oda met with the President of the Canadian Recording Industry Association on a monthly basis last year just as the government was preparing copyright reform legislation and Canadian artists were calling for an end to P2P lawsuits. Is it any wonder that Canadians seem likely to lose their fair use rights?"

Vendor COM Express CPU module embeds Core2 Duo

The ET900 is a new low-power COM express CPU from IBase. The ET900 has an extremely small form factor, using the Mobile Intel 945GM Express chipset and the latest Intel Core2 Duo processors. "The ET900 offers the flexibility and high levels of processing performance needed for industrial automation, test and measurement, medical imaging, digital signage and automotive applications. 'Supporting Intel's new Core Microarchitecture

35 Million DSes Sold, 6 Million Wiis By End of March 146

Wowzer writes "Nintendo just announced its quarterly sales for the end of 2006. Sales for the 9 months were up 72%, while net income was up 43%. From the article: '[There will be] worldwide shipments of 6 million Wii systems by the end of March 2007. Nintendo has sold 35 million DS and DS Lite to date ... As for the next fiscal year, Nintendo expect to sell around 23 million DS Lites, bringing the estimated total of DS units to 58 million by March 31, 2008.' New Super Mario Bros. seems to have legs of its own with 8.64 million copies sold worldwide and continued strong sales. But they seem slow to ship out those Wii with 4 million manufactured last year and 810,000 of those not arriving to stores until now."
United States

Submission + - U.S. Pennies to be Worth Five Cents?

Z-MaxX writes: As a result of the sky-high copper prices, the U.S. one-cent coin can be worth more when melted down and sold as copper metal. New regulations against the melting down and exporting of coins have recently been passed, but Francois Velde, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, thinks these measures will not be enough. He suggests "rebasing" the penny to be worth five cents.

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