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Russian Scholar Warns Of US Climate Change Weapon 415

According to Russian political scientist, and conspiracy aficionado Andrei Areshev the high heat, and poor crop yields of Russia, and other Central Asian countries may be the result of a climate weapon created by the US military. From the article: "... Areshev voiced suspicions about the High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP), funded by the US Defense Department and the University of Alaska. HAARP, which has long been the target of conspiracy theorists, analyzes the ionosphere and seeks to develop technologies to improve radio communications, surveillance, and missile detection. Areshev writes, however, that its true aim is to create new weapons of mass destruction 'in order to destabilize environmental and agricultural systems in local countries.'"

Comment Re:Rudeness vs. Illegality (Score 1) 942

"A cell phone jammer takes away a person's right to be a loud, annoying, inconsiderate idiot."

No it doesn't. It may hinder their ability to be rude, etc with a cell phone but it does not take away that person's right. In fact, I'd argue that even with a jammed cellphone one could just pretend to have a loud, annoying conversation with said brick in hand.

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