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Comment Re:so? (Score 1) 209

The people representing "Minorities' don't really understand, the smallest minority is the minority of one. There are 7.7 billion minority groups on the planet. They know they can't represent the individual, so they start representing the group. Without realizing it, they are siding with the tyranny against the individual, and are in a cause against that which they claim to represent, those groups that are oppressed by larger groups.

Again, I agree with your logic/reasoning. Not to sound like an apologist for the people representing "minorities", but do you have an alternative?

Comment Re:so? (Score 1) 209

There's 7.7 billion people on this planet and only ~1.8 billion seconds in a 90-year lifespan.
Even if you tried to care about every single person, 1 second for 1 person, your life would run out by the time you hit 1.8 billion if you are lucky to hit 90.
Kind of a pointless venture.
That's why i find these groups who represent an entire gender or race moronic. You don't even have the basic math education to realize you don't have the lifespan to represent them all for 1 second each, yet you are pulling this shit? Get the fuck outta here.

Agree, with your logic but i don't believe that's their angle, maybe it means that they are FIGURATIVELY representing an entire race or gender?

Comment Re:In Favor (Score 1, Insightful) 660

On other note, we do need more competition and the need to continue to strengthen free alternatives like GNU/Linux, LibreOffice, NextCloud, GIMP, VLC, etc. So please send a small penny to your favorite free software each year if you can. It will keep your commercial proprietary software in check if possible, and save you more money in the long run.

Gonna sound like a troll (if I was I'd post AC) but come back to me when LibreOffice has the same if not more functionality than Microsoft Excel. Sure MS have changed the layout several times and have even broken macro spreadsheets with some iterations of Excel but they aren't the only ones guilty of doing this (not to sound like an apologist).

Say what you want about excel but its pretty handy for a lot of things (but the vast majority of credit goes to Dan Bricklin who invented VisiCalc).

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 133

Why is overpopulation a laudable thing?

The Japanese home islands are already highly populated -- no need to increase the population. Stabilizing at early-1900s levels would be much more sustainable.

Over population isn't their biggest problem; the population pyramid no longer looks like a pyramid when compared to 1950:


If it continues to go in this direction, Japan could be facing serious problems (if they aren't already), unless they implement something like planned immigration, for example. Germany has a similar problem with their population pyramid, but the difference is Germany's rate of net migration per head of the population is over 5.5 times that of Japan's:


And Japan's population is almost 60% larger than Germany's; It's not looking good for them at all.

Comment Re:AlphaBeta (Score 1) 64

What do you mean by the "free ones"? You mean free software or free beer?

Is there any specific features in Outlook that are so unique ?

Who the hell is getting 1500 mail a day? Is that real job? Does this guy do anything but read mails during the day?

I havent seen Outlook being used since a while but, in any case, I have no recollection of it being such a smart and superior software.

Your message, sir, look like a cheap advertisement.

If you are working some sort of technical support and depending on the scope of your team/role/the inbox 1500 a day is definitely believable, but based on my experience a significant portion of these will be automated alerts.

Comment Re:Do you even know who Craig Federighi is? (Score 1) 52

I think you'd have to mix at least Linus Torvalds, Bjarne Stroustrup, Donald Knuth, Dwayne Johnson, and George Clooney together to get a man as strong, good-looking, confident and well-rounded as Craig Federighi is.

As well rounded as apple's rounded corners?

Comment Re:Fun Fact: Juice isn't good for you (Score 1) 200

And having robots take away the exercise of squeezing it is just making it worse. Calories need to be burned somehow.

Before this sentence i was with you, but if someone wants to burn calories they shouldn't rely on something that is the equivalent of a muscle spasm with respect to burning calories, they should take a (very slow, if recently inactive) jog. Taking this "every little helps" approach to burning calories doesn't help anybody, you need to fuckin break a sweat and slowly build up your endurance to the point that you can withstand an very quick heartrate, or much easier you can change your diet...just sayin

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