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Submission + - Russia targets Signal Messenger (

An anonymous reader writes: Russia-backed hacking groups have developed techniques to compromise encrypted messaging services, including Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram, placing journalists, politicians and activists of interest to the Russian intelligence service at potential risk ..

.. Google threat analysts report that Russia-linked threat actors have developed malicious QR codes that, when scanned, will give the threat actor real-time access to the victim’s messages without having to compromise the victim’s phone or computer ...

The Internet

Submission + - ARIN: Two More Years of IPv4 (

dew4au writes: "A reader over at SANS Internet Storm Center pointed out a certified letter his organization received from ARIN. The letter notes that all IPv4 space will be depleted within two years and outlines new requirements for address applications. New submissions will require an attestation of accuracy from an organizational officer. It also advises organizations to start addressing publicly accessible assets with IPv6. Is ARIN hoping to scare companies into action with the specter of scarce resources? This may be what's needed to spur adoption since there appears to be no business case for IPv6 deployment."

Comment You can sell your steam games individually (Score 1) 242

So, even if I do have the right to resell them, what good is it? I can't meaningfully exercise it.

Yes you can.

It's called gifting. I bought Half Life 2 when it came out, but later bought the Orange Box. It notified me that I had one extra copy of HL2 and I was able to give it as a gift to one of my buddies.

You can gift any game that you've purchased. Just have someone send you paypal, then gift the game to their username.

You can sell your Steam games. By saying otherwise you're just spreading FUD.

Comment Cisco IDS (Score 1) 264

I use a combo of HIDS(host-based) and NIDS(network-based) to detect malicious activity. Our core switches (cisco 6509s)each have an IDSM blade that pops right in. Cisco VMS for the management interface is pretty crappy. Servers get Cisco HIDS just to make sure nothing fishy is going down.

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