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Journal davidsyes's Journal: I effing DARE YOU.... Okay... bzzzewhuttttzzzzztzzsszz 2

When you dare something to happen, be careful. The outcome depends... well, in her case... Depends...

" A dashboard camera in the deputy's car shows the 4-foot-11 Winkfein refusing to sign her speeding ticket, getting out of her white pickup truck and cursing at the deputy constable.

Bieze then pushes her to get her away from traffic.

"You're gonna shove a 72-year-old woman," Winkfein says angrily, standing inches from the deputy.

"If you don't step back, you're going to get Tased," Bieze says.

"Go ahead, Tase me," Winkfein says. "I dare you."

The video shows Bieze using the Taser and Winkfein hitting the ground and moaning in pain.

"Put your hands behind your back or you're going to be Tased again," Bieze yells, and then hits her with another jolt."

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I effing DARE YOU.... Okay... bzzzewhuttttzzzzztzzsszz

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  • A is NOT done. B happens. And yet, people are surprised! When I was a kid I dared my brother to try and hit me with a dirt clod. He did. So i ran into the house and complained to my mom. She talked to my brother then came back to me. "If you didn't want to get hit by a dirt clod," she asked me, "Why did you dare him to do it?" Valuable lesson for a 6 year old. A 72 year old should know much, much better.

    Just because you're a Grandma doesn't mean you can ignore an officers commands. AFAIK, signing th

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
