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Comment Re:have they bought "Beyond Pitiful" yet? (Score 1) 439

Your rock concert load-in is a great example. I worked as a stagehand for several years (still hold an active union membership) and I know precisely what you're talking about. Five hands who know what they're doing are so much better, and safer, than 15 who don't. I don't really have anything to add, just wanted to say that from experience I found your example interesting and apt.

Comment Re:Sounds like resistance is easy. (Score 3, Informative) 268

I'm guessing you're a troll, but I do this. Well not exactly, you don't need to convert anything.

Open a youtube video, let it buffer, go into /tmp and there's the file. Just do "mplayer file" and watch it. I do this because the flash player crashed a lot (x86_64 Linux) and mplayer is smoother.

Comment Re:Get what you pay for (Score 1) 245

People will use whatever's free, and probably say they have "nothing to hide!" The truly paranoid (which I say without intending any negative connotation) will run their own services. Unfortunately 90% of the email addresses you communicate with probably end in gmail.com, hotmail.com or yahoo.com anyway. That data is available on the other end, if in much more fragmented format.

I agree with your idea, but I honestly don't think the masses will go for it. If enough concerned people do, it could be worthwhile.

As a sidenote, your idea reminded me of rsync.net's privacy policies.

Comment Not an issue for Win32 Apps (Score 1) 281


Only Win16 binaries require the ability to mmap low addresses, Win32 binaries do not. It is recommended that you test your application with the increase mmap_min_addr setting. If the application starts up without issue, then you should not need to remove the mmap_min_addr restriction.


$ cat /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr shows 4096 on my system, and MS Word 2003 works just swell under WINE.

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