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Comment Re:Move Fast and Break Democracy (Score 2) 40

And by now, in 2025: check your feed. How many bullshit ad-posts and "suggested" posts do you have to scroll past to even FIND a post from one of your friends? Even the people you're pretty sure on the network?

Very few, as I use FB Purity add on with Firefox. I'm mostly still there because family stuff.

Comment Re:deeply troubling (Score 1) 390

Believe me, I wish it were treason, because then it could be grounds for impeachment.

Will not happen while the GOP controls Congress. The Florida Orange Man could do the most heinous offenses imaginable, and the GOP would sit there and do nothing. It would take a massive number of citizens screaming for action to compel them to do anything.

Comment Re:Tech Billionaire Discovers Farming is Hard (Score 1) 63

So you are good with making most people happy with a debt of several trillion dollars.....The system is broken and the people in the system have no interest in fixing it so somebody from the outside needs to come in and fix it for them.

Unfortunately for us that somebody is only interested in breaking it completely to stop it from throwing him in prison.

Somehow I doubt that you're concerned with "debt of several trillion dollars". The deficit and debt are only important when Democrats are in charge. It's never important when the GOP gets their hands on the credit card, which is why the debt balloons fastest under the GOP.

Comment Re:No legal standing (Score 1) 371

oh and that idiotic renaming to Ft Bragg, just more bullshit because they love a terrible confederate general so much and wish the south won the war, this secretary with the white supremacist tattoo doesn't even bother hiding his sympathies anymore.

Apparently it is not being named after Braxton Bragg anymore, but for U.S. Army paratrooper Private First Class Roland L. Bragg.

Comment Re:This is why Trump is in office... (Score 1) 155

Dems need to be focusing on stuff the American people want, otherwise, Trump is going to be able to keep in power indefinitely, sort of like a reverse-FDR, especially when the Constitutional amendment revoking term limits passes.

The Florida Orange Man can't change the Constitution. That's for Congress and the states to do, and the GOP doesn't have the necessary margins to ram something like that through. SCOTUS also has zero influence on it as well.

This seems to be what Dems always do. Hell, Biden and Lieberman were the two that gave us the DMCA, CDA, SOPA/PIPA and other crap. Now they want to ape China and have IP level censorship. They also made sure student loans were a lifelong debt by removing them from bankrupcy.

Had the Dems said that the same thing was to protect against foreign websites that were spreading lies, they would have gotten this, but this sort of shit gets old, and voters are tired of it.

Makes me wonder if this D-CA has a MAGA hat in a place of worship, secretly, because this only is going to push the Dems further back from any type of majority come 2026.

Meh... Screwing the general populace in favor of the wealthy is a bipartisan effort. Besides, if the GOP clown show keeps up their antics they'll be lucky if the Democrats don't take supermajorities in both the House and Senate in 2026. Not even two full weeks in and they're already doing monumentally stupid shit.

Comment Re:Its not the money, its the principle (Score 1) 134

“But the plans were on display”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”

Comment Re:Glad I'm not able to run win11! (Score 4, Interesting) 106

There are free scripts that will do this for you. However my fear is that one update will render the OS unusable.

That was the 24H2 update on my work laptop. Effing thing would run OK for 5 minutes and then decide that it no longer wanted to talk to DNS. Reverting to 23H2 made no difference. One nuke and reload later to a fresh 23H2 and it seems happy again. Banned the 24H2 update from the WSUS server for good measure.

Currently run Win10 at home, mainly for gaming. I have a test PC running Mint (it was my previous gaming PC) and it runs great. I refuse to load Win11; my next upgrade will be Linux Mint.

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