Comment In his official statement (Score 1) 33
In his official statement, he said "Fools, I'll destroy them all!"
In his official statement, he said "Fools, I'll destroy them all!"
Yes, but the ROI on other investments of our money would be much better, and pose less liability. I would rather we put 42000 construction jobs rebuilding our infrastructure.
We're the only country that build up to a first world infrastructure and then decided it was better to let it decay.
Wow - watch fox news much?
I would rather we spent the money on useful construction jobs, like repairing our failing bridges (
I think it makes more sense to make a space elevator from LOE. All the advantages of a lunar elevator, but actually in a useful location,
Running the devices hotter should increase the decay rate...
Lens Flare is such a stupid gimick. It is something 'cool' the game designers can introduce but it destroys the immersion.
I worked on one of the RF ICs used in smart meter applications. The power is only a little bit more than a garage door opener, and it is below 1GHz (Microwave ovens are ~2.45GHz).
Well, I looked into the amount of water an equivalent coal-powered generator would use. It turns out 1GW of coal power uses 13500 acre-ft of water (4.4billion gal) per year, vs the 600 acre-feet for the solar project.
You are forgetting about how Intel used illegal methods to block AMD from sockets. These include monetary incentives to ONLY sell Intel. Look at how much money Intel funneled to Dell.
Because Apple has now surpassed Microsoft in the evil index.
I've heard that superconductors not only have no electrical resistance, but the have no thermal resistance too. That would mean superconductors have a constant temperature across them; is this true?
Does it have to be an official iBag?
Ah, then that is where I come to a different conclusion than you. After 5+ years of experience, I see the experience and capability matter much more than whether an engineer has an MSEE or a BSEE.
Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.