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Submission + - Intel Aims For 1000-Petaflop Supercomputer By 2018 (itproportal.com)

siliconbits writes: Intel has laid down its roadmap in terms of computing performance for the next seven years in a press release; in addition, it revealed its expectations until 2027 in one deck of slides shown last week. The semiconductor wants a supercomputer capable of reaching 1000 Petaflops (or one Exaflop) to be unveiled by the end of 2018 (just in time for the company's 50th anniversary) with four Exaflops being the upper end target by the end of the decade.The slide that was shared with us also shows that Intel wants to smash the ZettaFlop barrier — that's one million Petaflops or one billion Teraflops — sometimes before 2030. This, Intel expects, will allow for significant strides in the field of Genomics research, as well as much more accurate weather prediction (assuming Skynet or the Matrix hasn't taken over the world).

Submission + - US nuke regulators weaken safety rules (yahoo.com)

Raenex writes: An investigation by the Associated Press has found a pattern of safety regulations being relaxed in order to keep aging nuclear power plants running. From the article: "Reactor parts or systems fall out of compliance with the rules. Studies are conducted by the industry and government, and all agree that existing standards are 'unnecessarily conservative.' Regulations are loosened, and the reactors are back in compliance."

Submission + - Skype Execs Purged On Eve Of MS Takeover (itworld.com)

jfruhlinger writes: "You might think that the executive team that engineered a lucrative buyout for their company would be rewarded. But eight execs from Skype instead found themselves fired just before their company was formally taken over by Microsoft. It appears that this move isn't meddling from Redmond; rather, the private equity firm that owns a 70 percent stake in Skype wanted to cut back on the payout to company execs that would normally accompany this kind of transaction."

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