Journal Journal: Happy... whatever you're doing... 3
Sleeping and resting is how I'm trying to spend my time, how about you?
Sleeping and resting is how I'm trying to spend my time, how about you?
Not mine - got sent the link.
Seriously. 3x3.2Ghz PowerPC chips.
Slimmer of the year Andy Gough. He lost 52st in just six weeks using the Slimby diet. The Slimby slimming method involves drinking a glass of powdered milkshake every mealtime and looking at the special Slimby picture, designed to shock the body into losing weight.
I just realised that I am not really sure if people on
I am Matt. I am 23. I live in Exeter, UK. I am a Debian guy. I like Macs. I run cnuk.org. I work for the FSF as a web guy. I am single (bah).
What else do you know about me?
Every day on Slashdot, you see posts that you disagree with, you read posts and sigs written by people you'd dislike if you knew them in real life, but occasionally you find people who are trying to do something destructive.
One such user is Profanity Blacklist, who adds people to their foes if they post vulgarity on Slashdot. To me, this is dumb. Really fucking dumb. It's censorship and I don't like it... when I discovered this, I added all the fans of the user to my foes list - thinking that I'd cause some of them to sit up and take notice. However, what I forgot to do, was check the foes list too as some of the people on there are also listed as fans.
This is an interesting situation: It seems that if you get added as a foe by this user, and then add this user as a friend it might do something out of the ordinary.
But I didn't check.
I added people to my foes list and then today, I find someone's left me an offline message on ICQ...
Eh, this is SeanDuggan from
I noticed you've marked me as a foe. Since I don't think I know you from Adam and a quick browsing of the post history doesn't seem to indicate we've stepped on each others' posts, I'm curious as to why the relationship change. You're perfectly welcome to, of course, but I'm always curious as to the whys of things. Heck, could be it's some negative personality trait I can fix.
Seems friendly enough. I check him out - sure enough, he was added as a foe and sure enough, he has a blog post explaining that suddenly - he has two foes and one is the Profanity Blacklist. Whoops! Now, I actually bother to check, I see that not only is he a pretty cool guy, but also he posted something that made me laugh when George Carlin said it, and made me laugh again on Slashdot when I read it back, which is a rare thing indeed.
Anyway, I'm going to keep myself as his foe until I've spoken to him, explain why I'm a trigger happy Brit at times and hope we can go for some cold ones sometime.
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God may be subtle, but he isn't plain mean. -- Albert Einstein