Journal Journal: Stuff and Things
So, I have been working hard lately; a weekend is at a close. I think that I have been better lately at balancing work and other work, so I am a bit less stressed now than I used to be. So, this weekend was an interesting one. I got my two Sun Ultra 5s to work with X - one runs Gentoo with xorg 6.8.1, and the other runs Debian with XFree86 4.3. So, I am posting this from the Debian one. Last night was also rather interesting; I took a few people around campus, first taking the steam tunnels from Doherty to Margaret Morrison (See this map: http://www.cmu.edu/home/visitors/map/), then on top of Wean, then down to the bottom of Hamerschlag, and finally through the twisty basements of Doherty. It was quite fun. I also found out that I received an A on my first Concepts of Mathematics test, which made me rather happy since I felt like crap after it. Good old Mackey. Still, I have tests in Stats and Psych, and an essay in History this week. so there remains much work to be done.