Comment How did you get acceptance for telling an epic? (Score 2) 276
How hard was it to get acceptance for telling a long epic story instead of the usual "single story, push reset" that was the basic fare in the 80's?
Before B5 what we had was a bunch of loose episodes in a season. The only "story arc" was an occasional two-parter, usually the end-of-season cliffhanger episode resolved in next seasons first episode. We would probably not have had series like Battlestar Galactica or Game of Thrones today without B5 showing the way (to be fair there is a slight possibility that someone else could have done something similar later).
It must have been hard to convince the network to go for this?
I'd like to add a thank you for B5 (and Spider-man, Supreme Power, The Twelve etc.). It's without doubt the best tv experience I've had so far. I saw most of the series on NTSC tapes that I manged to borrow through a friend (who somehow managed to get this recorded and sent from US). This was before the it was possible to buy DVD's of series immediately after they where showed and it took years before anything reached norwegian tv (if they came at all). Actually it's one of the best DVD experiences I've had as well now that I think about it. All the little hints and portents I'd missed the first time made re-watching the series a great joy.