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I wonder if this include over eating challenges  *Friday February 08, 2019 @10:31AM  1
   attached to Instagram Vows To Remove All Graphic Self-Harm Images From Site
Anyone know when I can convert to the new plan  *Tuesday January 08, 2019 @01:24PM 1 1
   attached to GitHub Free Users Now Get Unlimited Private Repositories
Elderly family members passwords  *Wednesday August 20, 2014 @11:13AM  3, Insightful
   attached to 51% of Computer Users Share Passwords
Re:Is the book based on research?  *Tuesday June 14, 2011 @09:03AM  1
   attached to Book Review: The Clean Coder
Imaging Space Piracy  *Friday September 10, 2010 @11:38AM  1
   attached to Arms Regulations Damaging US Space Industry
What would happen... if...  *Wednesday July 14, 2010 @07:43PM 1 1
   attached to Microsoft Shows Off 'Milo' Virtual Human
Did anyone consider those with mobility problems?  *Monday July 30, 2007 @04:17PM  1
   attached to "Crowd Farm" to Collect Energy?
Re:"well.. my dad can beat up your dad!"  *Friday July 14, 2006 @02:42PM 3 1
   attached to AMD Launches Counterstrike Against Core 2 Duo
This may sound like spam but....  *Thursday June 15, 2006 @01:40PM  2, Interesting
   attached to Replacement for Jewel Cases?
Re:When I actually get the fonts big enough...  *Thursday May 11, 2006 @01:29PM 2 1
   attached to Slashdot CSS Redesign Contest Update
Grades count more then you know....  *Monday February 27, 2006 @06:18PM  1
   attached to Qualifications for Summer Internships?
Learn to program/think first... code last.  *Friday December 23, 2005 @04:59PM 1 1
   attached to Learning Java or C# as a Next Language?
Re:What else is included?  *Wednesday July 27, 2005 @11:46AM  1
   attached to A $100 Million Trip to the Moon
So the trash powered hover car is not far off.  *Thursday June 23, 2005 @08:39AM 1 1
   attached to Microbes That Produce Miniature Electrical Wires
What if they held out....  *Monday May 16, 2005 @01:26PM 1 1
   attached to Could Microsoft Buy Red Hat?
Is this test misleading...  *Monday May 02, 2005 @01:12PM 1 1
   attached to A Review of GCC 4.0
You can get Linux via BitTorrent....  *Friday March 25, 2005 @05:32PM 1 1
   attached to BitTorrent Inherently Illegal?
Why are market forces discussed in paper....  *Wednesday March 16, 2005 @02:24AM  1
   attached to Metcalfe's Law Refuted
Re:Here's more about the girl  *Tuesday March 08, 2005 @06:42PM 8 5, Funny
   attached to Arm Wrestling Robots Beaten By A Teenage Girl
Turns out John Wane looked better in the fuzzy.  *Thursday March 03, 2005 @01:11PM  3, Funny
   attached to Old Film to DVD Transfers Examined
Why not add spam logic to blockers....  *Friday February 25, 2005 @03:07PM  1
   attached to Floaters are the New Pop-Ups
If they move it away from the gate, it will fail  *Thursday February 10, 2005 @10:35AM  1
   attached to Sci-Fi Channel Renews Battlestar Galactica
I hope the book has a section on porting....  *Tuesday January 25, 2005 @04:19PM 4 3, Interesting
   attached to Java Application Development on Linux
Would people be more willing to pay for windows if  *Tuesday January 25, 2005 @09:31AM  1
   attached to Gates Pledges $750M to Vaccinate Children

Too much is not enough.
