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Comment Re:you're not a lawyer (Score 1) 48

The fact that people violate other copyrighted works isn't a defense. A copyright holder's right is to defend their copyright, and a key to maintaining copyright is to defend it.

As far as my own experience on this matter, I spent a number of years working with Reynolds & Reynolds on LAW contracts, and they've successfully defended their copyrights and patents related to their contracts being used/modified/recreated by other companies without authorization over the years.

Comment Re:Features also not possible with tomorrows tech (Score 1) 40

The government can afford those companies to fail, but the government also chooses to try to do what's best for the populace by not letting a big business failure cascade across the economy. That has nothing to do with a private entity's right to control speech on its platform

Comment Re:Musk profit dmg control (Score 3, Informative) 211

The OPM leak meant a lot. And it meant a lot to people who work in/with China. I don't really have to worry much about China oppressing me as they're on the other side of the world and my work doesn't really involve them. Nothing I do counteracts or threatens their power. The new regime is right here at home, and they have all of the info they need to pull levers on me because BIs are roto rooters into your history and personal life, and they have every incentive to pull every lever on me that they can to help keep them in power because as a voter here I am a direct threat to their power.

Comment dinosaur system (Score 4, Informative) 33

Ex-Sheriff Alex Villanueva also weighed in on the matter Wednesday by posting a 2022 letter to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors on X. In the letter, department leaders requested funding for a new computer-aided dispatch system, saying the existing system was so old it couldn't comply with data collection requirements.

For its part, the department said it was in the process of trying to upgrade the dispatch system.

"The Department has long faced significant challenges with outdated technology, and since taking office, the Sheriff has emphasized the urgent need to improve and upgrade our internal systems," read a department statement. "In mid-2023, the Department issued a formal request for proposals to acquire a new modernized, centralized CAD system that will greatly enhance our capabilities."

We responded to an RFP many years ago to replace their aging scheduling and dispatch systems with COTS solutions. They're home grown on old hardware, in bad shape, and they refuse to change their processes and requirements to leverage modern off the shelf solutions that many cities and counties use. Home grown isn't sustainable in the long term because this happens eventually, and you spend a long time limping along hoping the catastrophe never comes while you put off investment in something new. To make things worse, LA County tries to do most of its work through integrators, who don't make any software and charge an arm and a leg as a premium for really no tangible benefit other than for the county to say it's working with Gartner or Northrop Grumman whatever "big" name they think they need to get new software implemented. Their most recent RFP was posted in 2023, and they've gotten nowhere with it. Unfortunately, this is how LA County works. They limp along because they have the income to waste extra personnel on tasks that more modernized cities don't worry about because they're accepting of actively support modern software that is designed to be capable of integration with other systems.

Comment Re:According to retailers... (Score 1) 143

Your linked article gets into the meat of it even has it kind of deflects the point. Theft is local, and it's risen measurably in some of the biggest cities even if overall numbers are down. Those biggest cities have the most eyeballs on local news, and they set the mood for much of the nation on a social level (that is what people talk about in person and on social media) and through what news trickles upwards to national news.

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