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Comment after seeing a few of these articles (Score 1) 141

... and digging a bit, I've seen that the prompt for the task, actually included the instruction to perform in this way.

This isn't particularly frightening. It's a computer program performing as instructed.

The articles that imply the program did things like this on it's own ARE frightening... Why was that decision made?

Comment Idiots! (Score 1) 78

The headline is written as thought he LLM just up and replicated itself

Then we see this:

The study explored two specific scenarios: "shutdown avoidance" and "chain of replication." In the first, the AI model was programmed to detect whether it was about to be shut down and to replicate itself before it could be terminated. In the other, the AI was instructed to clone itself and then program its replica to do the same -- setting up a cycle that could continue indefinitely.

The damned this was told to do it The program performed as expected... And they're "frightened"?

I know, it's unusual for programmers to actually write code that works, but...

Comment What an utter crock! (Score 1, Insightful) 137

Piketty tried this one too.
Others have pointed out the modern examples that make the lie of this thesis.
What the US has that is perhaps less in the UK/Britain... A certain ruthlessness.
Europen cultures seem to think about things like "If I CAN do this; Should I?"

Europe still has unions. The US destroyed collectivism action in favor of ruthless personal gain.

Comment Re:CA - State of the self insured (Score 1) 236

If ya choose to live in the wildlands...

Yes, nature is purty. It's also red of fang and claw.

I own a home (an actual house, not a condo/townhome/flat). It's in an urban setting. Yes urban/suburban living is kind of sucky; But I also don't have insane insurance rates

And I STILL have idiot political leadership

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