A piece of gear known to be used and in possession by "military" personnel is NOT the same as a bus adjacent to said personnel. This is a legit strike as were the pagers.
We can presume with near certainty that they weren't walking into some local retailer and buying them off the shelf. Some position (think supply Sargent/quartermaster corp) within the organization was buying them in bulk for distribution within the organization.
That made it easy to make this a VERY surgical strike that speaks of long term and exquisite planning.
Yes, there were bystanders and a few units may have found their way into innocent hands.
As other have mentioned, this was done in a far more considered manner than the rockets hammas and hezbola have been habitually lobbing into Israeli cities.
For the record, I'm no fan of Israeli right wingers who steal land in Gaza. This has fueled this and driven the people of Gaza to equally despicable measures.
I am a fan of very good engineering. This was good engineering. So was the stunt of using power para gliders. Brilliant technically. Humanly despicable.
There is a LOT of humanly despicable things in the world.