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Comment Re:This is nothing for them (Score 1) 114

Let me introduce you to the IBM TS4500. You are looking at around $2 per camera for an entire years worth of footage. A single tape library could store a years footage from over 850,000 cameras. Tell me you don't know about long term enterprise storage without telling me don't know. Off the top of my head to have that replicated at two sites for good measure, all in less than $10 million including a couple PB of disk cache.

Oh, I'm sure it could, but with that IBM brand the acquisition costs itself is prohibitively expensive, I'll bet. Our camera system keeps 2 weeks of footage and is then overwritten. Like us, most companies are not going to spend money on a tape library just for video footage, unless they are a security company. When the footage was created at the time, it probably was not anticipated that this event would occur and was allowed to age off the system. Now if it was created and a couple of days later was erased?.....hmmmmmmmm.......not good.

Comment Re:Not viable for EVs (Score 1) 73

It retains 85% of capacity after a mere 500 cycles? Can you imagine losing 15% capacity after only a couple of years of ownership? This might be useful in an Uninterruptible Power Supply, where you just charge it to 100% and it mostly stays there.

There's no mention of energy density either. So it's probably both too heavy and too large for EV usage.

Well, TFA did say that they had worked their way up to coin-sized batteries currently, so progress will be made there hopefully toward larger form factors.

Comment Re:The bigger they are... (Score 1) 255

Upon approval.... Can't even get Google Chrome.

????? I use both Android and iPhones and I can get Chrome for my iPhone any time via the App Store and currently have it installed. Not a big fan of either device. They serve their purpose. The Android is my personal and the iPhone is my work assigned devices.

Comment Re: No replacement atenna? (Score 1) 209

I only ever swap over to bluetooth and stream from my phone when FM radio drops out

I presume that s from downloaded files? Certainly in the UK if you have lost FM coverage you have no chance in hell connecting to the mobile network lol.

Australia is allegedly a 1st world country but coverage is generally abysmal. If you're not within 50km of a metropolitan area or 20km of a class 1 highway then you can forget about FM radio, mobile coverage... or landline telephones, council water and sewerage and even mostly electricity.

I have heard to going cross-country thru the Outback is like going on a safari, you have to pack supplies, tools, etc in case you break down (which can be a deadly proposition). Most major highways in the States have truck stops or roadside convenience stores scattered alongside pretty frequently with the exception of the desert southwest (Death Valley, Mojave Desert, etc).

Comment Re: No replacement atenna? (Score 1) 209

> I only ever swap over to bluetooth and stream from my phone when FM radio drops out

I presume that s from downloaded files? Certainly in the UK if you have lost FM coverage you have no chance in hell connecting to the mobile network lol.

> Dab exists but its expensive

The radios are not too expensive here but the good looking ones certainly are. Plus it is expensive for the stations too. It's way cheaper for them to be on FM or even AM. In fact on FM they can have a dirt cheap license for local broadcasts only, the local college has run an FM station here for years and only now are they considering local DAB.

In most parts of the U.S. you may lose local radio station reception if you are on a long trip, but if you stick to the interstates most cell carriers deploy a lot of their towers along said interstates, so you USUALLY stay within cell service (depending on the carrier). Once you go off into the sticks for camping or sightseeing down some lonely country road in the middle of BFE, all bets are off.

Comment Re:Someone did what? (Score 1) 78

This seems like something she went hunting for with foresight. I just can't wrap my mind around how this scenario happens. Like how do you even go searching for Facebook ads? Are their marketplace classified ads targeted? How does one notice they aren't being passively advertised to? Why would anyone use Facebook to search for insurance? What am I missing?

To quote Eddie Murphy, someone is 'looking to get paid'.....

Comment Re:Also updates (Score 1) 207

You'll spend more than 15 minutes trying to figure out how to install without having a Microsoft account. WHY? I don't need it, especially as I only ever use Windows in a VM on my Mac to verify Windows-specific parts of our software.

Simple, you just make sure the machine is not connected to the internet. You can then set the OS up with a local account and not get nagged to create a Windows account after reconnecting. Just did that with two new HP computers the other day for a friend who did not have a MS account. However if you want to get something from the Microsoft Store, you will have to have one unfortunately.

Comment Re:And... (Score 1) 72

OMG... you are that guy. I always wondered who the guy who actually thought the nag alarm for your seatbelt was a good thing and also deliberately made it a pain in the ass to disable it.

Go ahead and disable it. Look forward to seeing your ragdoll impersonation on one of those roll-over videos on Youtube. ;)

Comment Re:Correction (Score 3, Informative) 12

The summary/article has the wrong order.

Soft landings: USSR United States China

Lunar rovers: USSR China

There are lots of other records of course, like first photo of the "dark" side, first human landing etc. But those are the two that India will add its name to with this lander/rover combo. It will be the first to the pole too.

In the last few years both Israeli and Japanese private companies have tried to soft land on the moon, both ending in failure. The first private soft landing is still up for grabs.

United States should also be on that rover list...ours was manned however..

Comment Re:School's Out (Score 1) 24

There's that, but there's also: 1. Many companies outright banned the use of it - it falls under copyright issues at my company and is an immediate term offense now. 2. I think people began to realize that it's not as useful as it seems beyond parlor tricks. I can definitely see the potential with these advanced LLMs in helping to write code, but the ways that they fail are pretty consistent.

Only things I saw more of was creepy AI generated fake commercials on Youtube that looked like a bad acid trip or some kind of nightmare. Even those have tapered off it appears...

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