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Comment Not anti-evolution pro religion cospiracy (Score 0) 309

I know this sounds like conspiracy. Especially to the American crowds. But this is dumber than that

This is not alt-right or alt-anything behind it. There is really an effort to make education better with more scope for vocational training.

And as with any government project, esp. in a political climate where general consultation with experts/public is not given highest importance. This is simply a casualty of ill-advised chopping session that tried to make things simpler for kids.

I am not defending it. It is quite stupid in some things that they have done. But over all the effort had good intentions (alas that alone is not sufficient).

Comment First world problems (Score 1) 307

"Sobbing while on the phone... stumbling in the dark" ???.

Its almost funny and cute to read these first world news about "poor" conditions.

Don't get me wrong i fully understand how *ahem* devastating *ahem* it is to be *ahem* poor *ahem* there. but if you are living in rest of the 80% of the world its still quite tragically amusing.


Comment Re:Leader? (Score 3, Insightful) 93

Well thats still 4 out of what 190+ nations... We may not be "The" leaders but sure can claim to be one of the leaders after this.

Also point about all the money being spent rather than on toilets... What bullshit!! (pun intended)

Toilets for billion people and such things don't get built out of magic pixie dust.. it requires industrial capability, process capability, management capability. And that gets built out of Organisations like ISRO giving jobs to people who take the higher education, finally revolutionizing all the other sectors with trickle down effects (other ways that can happen is declaring war and channelizing all your energies onto winning... but *ahem* nuclear detterant has ruled that out ;-) ).

Also heavy investment in science and technology has far more good implications to nation and society and is completely worthwhile and as important investment.

And lastly ISRO is poised to be quite a money maker for india, and its good marketing for the business wing.

Comment Docker helps a lot in development (Score 4, Interesting) 252

First and foremost Disclaimer: I work for a startup that is making products using docker/containers and our future is hugely tied with fortunes of docker, make what you want of that.

But thats not the sole reason why i write what i write now (if you believe my word which you shouldn't so judge on your own).

Ever since I was shown how BSD jails and chroot works i had used them for personal development (thats for last 20 years now). Then came the VM ecosystem and even at work i could get same benefits (more on that below) as those personal setups. Then came LXC and subsequently docker... in my view its the same with addition of docker hub/repo and most importantly versioning addition, which is a huge differentiator.

What are those benefits?

  • 1. Consistent environment: OS needs maintenance, typical upgrade causes my system to break down dev setups. I need quick way to reproduce what went in to dev on a newly patched system.
  • 2. Elimination of "works on my machine" . Well to the extent its caused by changes in environment and not incompetence. Need I say more?
  • 3. I can go back to a released product and figure out exact reasons the one big paying customer is having issues woth. Replicating the build that was released to the customer and testing it in the exact env released to customer even years backwards. Customers upgrading regularly is a myth and we can't force them to upgrade just because one of bugs is biting them.
  • 4. Elimination of dependency on IT for provisioning different environment. Need three setups to test three different JS / python libraries? need to make your code compatible with latest python? no need to wait for IT to provide new machine/vm just create new versions of dockerfile and run it on your dev machine simultaneously without interfering with your daily workflow.
  • 5. Broken dev setup? Packages all screwed up ? just go back to known working setup in jiffy.
  • 6. Testing becomes much more reproducible probably duplication of combination of above, but QA loves it

And plenty more at one time cost of creating a docker environment. Thats one time across your entire dev team not just you, cost

And these are all just from the dev point of view. Not going into efficiency of baremetal vs vm vs containers etc. and production is a different beast.

And as added bonus you can integrate your tests easily with any CI CD just docker pull and run tests on any worker machine. Or even dev environments can be sent on build farms in a jiffy (my startup works in this space) but from the author's description it doesn't seem like build and test are too costly for him. But still.

Comment Correction.. Its the whole state of Maharashtra (Score 3, Informative) 174

*Ahem* Its not just Mumbai, but the whole state of Maharashtra that has banned plastics

I live in Pune, about 120km east of Mumbai and its the same. Its strange not to get straws to drink soda in McDonalds now. But a good change anyways. The country is getting littered way too much.

Comment Re:Maybe? (Score 2) 135

This Maps feature actually came out of work to make directions useful in countries and regions where street addresses don't really exist, notably much of India.

Yeah here in India this feature has been on for long time and is quite useful, Indian streets are not visibly named at all and many have no discernible numbering system. Its hardly a new feature just new to US probably

Comment Re:BBC Micro, in about 1981 or 1982... (Score 1) 857

Same here.... It was my fun activity to keep saying "loading loading loading.... " while the message was being displayed as the code loaded from the audio cassette.

Of course I was just a 8 year old back then

But we never upgraded it, my father simply put together a 386 system with a green chroma monitor (also freed up our TV for actual tv viewing).

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