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Comment Re:Love how no normalization (Score 0) 195

35% of American's self report having a college degree

Number 1 major is business administration

Stop being mesmerized that the world full of people not like you doesn't organize information the way you would

JFC, this is some low effort toddler whining

If you're so much better at this shit, get off a web forum and prove it

Oh, wait, literally just sitting in your chair complaining like a normie American

Just because you can quantify your complaint in a variety of mathematical terms doesn't mean you're important mathematically

People who argue the whole "oh but the numbers!" arguments fail to remember they're 1 in 7 billion+

Comment Re:Dying Company Grasping at Straws (Score 1) 167

shut down the malls. turn the land into new neighborhoods, with apartments, coffee shops, gyms, parks, gardens, etc.. move the malls into automated warehouses outside the city were autonomous vehicles pick up packages for delivery to the neighborhoods homes and biz

we may not be able to create flying cars, but we can still create some awesome shit. it's a shame we're held back by outdated ideas of what it means to be a valuable person (wage slave) in the servitude of the wealthy.

Comment Re:progressives (Score 2, Insightful) 668

Ron Paul isn't mystical at all. He's very easy to understand if you look at his policies, effectively to sell everything tax payers have built to the highest bidder, including national parks, other lands, infrastructure... He's a corporation friendly capitalist. He talks big when it comes to free markets and non-coercion, but if you really consider what would unfold should his policies be put into place, sell everything to the rich, he's a just a crazy white old Texan that doesn't give a toss about people that don't have a lot of wealth.

Comment Re:A Better Reason (Score 1) 530

People like you

Because you know me so well...

Thanks for showing us all how pathetic your religion really is.

You have no idea what I think about climate change.

The point behind my comment was that an anonymous person insisting it's all bad science without offering proof, is not someone anybody should take seriously.

I'm sorry if my humor was too low brow for you. I humbly ask, oh wise one, that you forgive this ignorant pleb for offending you.

Comment Re:Missing the forest for the trees (Score 1) 530

Wrong questions:

A.) What is the societal cost of cataclysmic climate shifts?

B.) If we can stop 50 people from being killed in Chicago, how do we know 50 aren't being killed in a remote desert area?

The answer to A is likely much worse than an answer to 1.

The answer to B and 2 is, just because it may still happen somewhere else where we have no influence doesn't make it a bad idea to take it upon ourselves to act.

Comment Re:Here's what holds ME back. (Score 1) 530

Oh damn, how dare we who are creating the mess actually take on the burden of mitigating it. How fucking horrible would it be should we have to drive less! THE HUMANITY! THAT AINT FREEDOM!!

No, best we just push the entire screw up onto the next generations. Let them deal with the fallout of our material greed. Yeah, that's the ticket!

The psychology can be summed up pretty easily: I'm too in love with my way of life, I'll be dead by the time things are serious. So fuck it, why bother.

Comment Re:What right do they have? (Score 1) 88

You seem to have missed the part in your own citation where it says "At the time, permission was neither required nor customarily sought."

Regardless, you've done nothing in this thread but cherrypick details that fit your personal views.

She consented to medical treatment. That is unless you can show someone was holding a gun to her head, since I doubt you were there. In 1951 that was all that was required. Whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant.

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