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Submission + - NASA wants spacecraft for Mars return trip (networkworld.com)

coondoggie writes: If we ever do get to Mars, getting home might prove to be as difficult. NASA today selected three companies — Alliant Techsystems, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman — to being the task of defining the spacecraft that will leave Mars, presumably at first loaded with red planet rock samples, then later possibly humans — for a safe trip back to Earth.

The engineering challenges those three companies face are immense

Comment Re:yes it does (Score 1) 463

Now I get it--you didn't believe Obama but voted for him anyway because believes in himself.
In other words--HE's the one that's gullible; & you think that makes for a good presidential candidate
That makes ALL KINDS of sense!!

Dude--I still say you have a talent for splitting hairs...and admire your trolling skills

Comment Re:yes it does (Score 0) 463

Your problem--that you don't understand--is that you are gullible.
but you make up for it with a talent for splitting hairs.

Fact is that on at least one occasion an interviewer called Obama on

A) whether his so-called progressive agenda would in fact be good for America, and
B) whether he could achieve his campaign promises.

His response was telling: he said if not he would likely be a one-term president

Comment Re:Good target for beer bottles. (Score 1) 88

Target for beer bottles? yep. I don't play (but wish I did), but I have a lot of friends who do. Blues, mostly. One of my local 'blues buddies' has a Grammy or two; a WC Handy Award; and was in the Blues Brothers 2000 movie (no shit!) Having met--and known--and spent a lot of time listening--in person--to guys that played in bands w/ Howling Wolf, Magic Sam, and Muddy Waters ...I would trade you all the 'metal' that ever been produced (and rap too, for that matter) for one night sitting around listening to my'buds

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