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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 24 declined, 4 accepted (28 total, 14.29% accepted)

First Person Shooters (Games)

Submission + - Most Popular Free, Arena Style FPS? ( 3

anomalous cohort writes: "I am a casual gamer. Go or Chess are my games of choice when I am up for a serious intellectual gaming challenge. Otherwise, I just want to blog off some steam in a free, arena style FPS such as Alien Arena, Nexuiz, Sauerbraten, or Tremulous at the end of a long day. Either way, it is very rare for my gaming experience to exceed 30 minutes.

The problem is that attendance for these games has dropped off over the years. Finding a game with about two humans and two robots is perfect for me and very rare these days.

My question is this. What is currently the most popular free, arena style FPS for the casual gamer that you know of?"


Submission + - Microsoft documentation unfit for US consumption (

anomalous cohort writes: "Washington DC judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly announced during the ongoing Microsoft antitrust hearings that their documentation is unfit for US Consumption. This is relevant in an antitrust hearing as poor documentation on how to interoperate with Microsoft's products is seen as an unfair barrier to entry for companies who compete with Microsoft. Others see this as yet another example of their crumbling hegemony or indolence as their empire burns."

Submission + - Firewall Recommendations

anomalous cohort writes: "The company that I work for is looking at upgrading to a proper firewall (sadly, we use only the MS-ISA server now). Our I.T. guy is ready to recommend Fortigate [45]00a. Ours is a small company with about a dozen employees and about 400 customers. Does anybody have any experiences, good or bad, with these two products or with the Fortinet company? Are there any recommended firewalls (outside of Cisco's) that we should seriously look at?"

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