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Comment What goes around comes around.... (Score 0, Troll) 237

"We hired a guy to go through and audit and get us legal, but he didn't work out," the business owner said. "So we fired him and that's when he went and ratted us out."

What, are we supposed to feel sorry for the business owner aka software pirate? Watch out, here comes the clue bat...don't fire people who you hire to clean up your illegal messes. What is it with incompetent business owners who blame their employees. If you don't have the competence to manage your company's finances without breaking the law, maybe it's NOT the guy you hired who isn't working out.

Submission + - The CPU redefined: AMD Torrenze and Intel CSI

janp writes: "In the near future the Central Processing Unit (CPU) will not be as central anymore. AMD has announced the Torrenza platform that revives the concept op co-processors. Intel is also taking steps in this direction with the announcement of the CSI. With these technologies in the future we can put special chips (GPU's, APU's, etc. etc.) directly on the motherboard in a special socket. Hardware.Info has published a clear introduction to AMD Torrenza and Intel CSI and sneak peaks into the future of processors."
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - DIY Laptop *literally* from scratch!

Brietech writes: Ever felt like building your own laptop from (almost literally) scratch? This is a microcontroller-based "laptop" built from the ground up from a handful of chips and other hardware found lying around. It runs a self-hosted development environment, allowing the user to write and edit programs in "Chris++" on the machine, and then compile and run them. The carpentry looks like it could use some work, but it's a neat project!

Journal Journal: Books to Go Digital this decade

Have you ever considered that this decade may be the end of main stream paperback and hard cover books? As we have seen in the last couple of years physical music sales have gone down at a rapid speed. But on the otherhand Digital music sales are taking a good share of the loses on physical copies of songs..... This story is at

Feed Cavaliers Lead E-Ticketing Charge (

The Cleveland Cavaliers deem paper tickets "arcane" and provide completely paperless transactions. Ticket brokers scoff but the hoopsters say it's the future. By the Associated Press.


NASA Commemorates Space Shuttle Tragedies 100

eldavojohn writes " is covering NASA's commemoration of the Apollo 1 crew & the last shuttle crews of both the Challenger and Columbia orbiters. The Apollo 1 crew was lost forty years ago yesterday to a fire while testing their spacecraft on a launch pad. From the article: 'While the nearly two decades separating NASA's three space disasters allowed room for the agency to grow complacent, the relatively short time between the 2003 loss of Columbia and the end of the shuttle program could avoid a repeat of such behavior.'"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Great new addicitve online puzzle game: Bloktonik

Quite possibly the next Bejeweled, a very addicitive online puzzle game by Robotube Games: Bloktonik The latest puzzle game addiction has arrived. Bloktonik, already available around the world on Mobile Phones, is now playable online in this new, deluxe version! Bloks come raining in from 4 directions, and it's your job to land them on the central cluster, based on the direction they

Submission + - OSSDI to Distribute in Schools

Xampper writes: "The Open Source Software Distribution Initiative (OSSDI) is a new organization planning to distribute open source alternatives to expensive commercial software packages, primarily in education. Initially, OSSDI will be focusing its efforts on giving away professionally pressed CD-ROMS containing the software suite within school districts in poverty-stricken regions. These distributions will give students access to a professional office suite, which they might otherwise be unable to afford, while spreading awareness of open source software."

Gates Proclaims Internet to Revolutionize TV in 5 Years 314

adamlazz writes "With an explosion of online video content on sites like YouTube and Google Video, Bill Gates believes that the Internet will revoloutionize the television within the next 5 years. 'I'm stunned how people aren't seeing that with TV, in five years from now, people will laugh at what we've had,' Gates told business leaders and politicians at the World Economic Forum. "

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