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Comment Re:74 at time of crash (Score 1) 623

Yeah, I hate this. Especially frustrating is when I use cruise (almost always) and pass someone only to have them speed up after I pass them and then they pass me only to slow down again. In an hour long drive I once leap-frogged a person 4 times like this (while never changing my own speed) before we finally went separate ways.

Comment Re:It's already scheduled, not caused by "X" (Score 1) 564

Right. The dialog is just informing you that the upgrade is scheduled. You can dismiss the dialog and let it upgrade as scheduled by clicking on the OK button or the close button. If you don't want to upgrade at the scheduled time, you can upgrade immediately by clicking Upgrade Now or change the time or cancel it by clicking the "here" link below the scheduled date. It's all in the dialog and not really confusing at all if you actually read it. This is like people complaining that when they delete the shortcut from the desktop, the application is still installed.

Of course, Microsoft are not making it as simple as could be by just putting a "Change or Cancel" button next to the Upgrade now and OK buttons. Instead, they do the old Real Player "hide the link you actually want" game to trick clueless users in to getting something they may not have wanted.

Comment Re:Meet the new boss (Score 1) 1310

Also, please encode in UTF-8 if you can. UTF-16 is dangerous - namely because the vast majority of characters are only two bytes, but in rare cases they're four ...

Even that is not quite correct. The vast majority of Unicode code points are only two bytes (in UTF-16), but in rare cases (everything outside the Basic Multilingual Plane, which is actually significantly more code points than inside the BMP) they're encoded in two, two-byte code units (4 bytes).

Remember these aren't "characters" but code points. There's also combining characters, eg. U+0065 U+0301 which gives an e with an accent. The grapheme (character) is formed from two Unicode code points and encoded in UTF-16 takes 4 bytes. There are others that take more: U+0065 U+0302 U+0301 is an e with two accents used in Vietnamese and would take 6 bytes in UTF-16. There's also Han unification and probably other things I'm forgetting or don't know.
Unicode is a tricky beast. There's lots of stuff there and lots of ways to get it wrong. I would agree that UTF-8 is the best encoding to use for compatibility with ASCII, no endian issues, and it doesn't assume all code points fit in one code unit.

Comment Re:Well, we will be using JRE 8 for a while then (Score 3, Informative) 165

Headline is wrong (where am I? Oh, right Slashdot) and the summary is not fully correct. Here's what the blog post actually says:

"Oracle plans to deprecate the Java browser plugin in JDK 9. This technology will be removed from the Oracle JDK and JRE in a future Java SE release."

So you have until JRE 10 at the earliest when it's removed. JRE 9 isn't scheduled to come out until 2017 and JRE 10 sometime after that, so the more pressing problem will be finding a browser that supports NPAPI plugins to even run the current plugin: Chrome has already removed NPAPI support in Chrome 45, Firefox will be removing it by the end of 2016, Edge never had NPAPI support, and I have no idea about Apple's plans with Safari (my guess would be remove support in next release of OS X).

Gonna have to keep around an old version of Firefox or Chrome (portable version, perhaps?) to be able to use legacy applet based applications.

Comment Re:Problem with this scheme (Score 1) 109

Yeah, the numbering confused me as well when I first started looking at it, but it does make sense after a bit. You have the model class: i3, i5, and i7 and then you have the model numbers.

The marketting class tells you at a glance (for a given generation) how the CPUs compare: a 2nd gen i7 has more features and generally faster than a 2nd gen i5, etc... Then the model number shows the relative performance/feature within a given generation: 2500 has fewer features or performance than a 2700, etc...

What may not be apparent at first blush is that it is the model number that encodes the generation bit, not the model class. Tthey've gone through 4 generations of Core i7/i5/i3 and the marketting classes haven't changed. The model numbers have changed, though:

Core i7 965 (Nehalem)
Core i7 2700K (Sandy Bridge)
Core i7 3770K (Ivy Bridge)
Core i7 4770K (Haswell)

As you can see, the first digit encodes the generation of chip, with only the original Core i7 generation being the outlier. You can't usually compare across generations, since there are too many variables, though you can crudely estimate that a Zxxx model will be better than a Yxxx model.

The big pain is knowing what features a given chip has and for that you need

Comment Re:I probably would upgrade if I could, but... (Score 1) 437

Do you have a 2012 model Nexus 7? That is what I have an never got an OTA push of Lollipop so I updated manually using the factory image. I'm wishing I hadn't. The tablet was slow enough with KitKat, but now it's essentially unusable. I don't know if it's the bad flash or what.

I don't know if others are getting the OTA for their Nexus 7 (2012), but it wouldn't surprise me if Google decided not to push it with all the problems many people are having with the update.

Comment Re:Easy to solve - calibrate them to overestimate (Score 1) 398

I remember watching one of those daytime court shows. The plaintif had asked his friend (the defendant) to drive his car and he got pulled over for going through a red light or somesuch. The plaintiff was telling the judge: "Everyone knows that green means go, yellow means slow down, and red means stop." The judge just looks at him and says: "Wrong. Green means it's legal to enter the intersection, red means it's illegal to enter the intersection (except when making a right hand turn where allowed), and yellow means that the light is about to change to red."

I think that was the most satisfied I've ever been watching a daytime court show.

Comment Re:Yes, pipelined utilities, like the logs (Score 2) 385

1) You can still use rsyslog (or syslog-ng or ...) with journald if you want and I believe all the major distros still do:
2) journald supports "Forward Secure Sealing" to prevent tampering of its logs: See the "Seal" option in journald.conf:

Comment Re:The actual technical fault. (Score 0) 865

You never want to turn off the engine while driving, since you lose power steering, power breaks, and other power functions that make it easier to control your vehicle. If you find yourself in an uncontrolled acceleration, there are much better options to take control of your vehicle: apply the brakes or put the car in to neutral. Your brakes are more than adequate to stop the vehicle and since basically every car sold has a rev-limiter, your stuck accelerator won't kill your engine if you pop it in neutral.

Car and Driver found that even a 540hp Roush Mustang only took 900ft to stop from 100MPH with both pedals to the floor. Most tests only took less than a couple hundred feet to stop:

Comment Re:Not a good idea... (Score 2, Insightful) 102

Your comment makes no sense, since reusing those frequencies for more efficient newer technologies (4G) will improve their network.

The reason that 2G has better signal quality than 3G in your area is that the 3G signal is overloaded. Since 3G phones will prioritize 3G signals over 2G signals (since they are more efficient and capable of more bandwidth) and most people have 3G phones, most phones are on 3G signals.

AT&T are in a bind right now (as are most other cell providers). More people are trying to use more data over wireless all the time, which means that their cell networks are getting overcrowded and way oversold. They need to add more capacity, but that requires either more RF bandwidth (necessitating new phones/devices to use the new frequencies) or they need to replace their current services with more efficient protocols that are more spectral efficient (moving to LTE). This is part of the latter. By reusing the bandwidth that is currently in use for 2G as 4G (or shift 2G -> 3G, 3G -> 4G), they can add more capacity to their network, thus improving the network quality for everyone (except those still using 2G only devices).

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