Culturally and socially I think we peaked in around 1970's. A little more than one generation after WW2. So I do buy the idea that under the right set of criteria there is an ideal point in the past. I'm not going to argue too seriously where that point might be.
Now here's the thing. Knowing what we know today. Including problems we have today that we didn't know or understand in the 1940's, let alone in the 1970's. We can't in practice simply wind back time to experience the ideal life of our chosen golden age. We'd be placing different variables into a system than it original had, but expecting it to remain static. It won't.
A big problem being that life at university is often how young adults meet up for marriage, we might need to set different expectations.
I'd be fine if we made civil conscription a thing in the US. Either mandatory civil service, or you can get out if you sign up for military service.
Now everyone gets to do something at an age where you're meant to socialize and find a partner, etc. The pool would be maximally large because every able-bodied young adult would be there or in military service.
Throw older people who are on probation in the mix too. I'm kind of sick of CEOs getting some bullshit house arrest for embezzling a million dollars while some of my friends get a little too crazy with the spray paint and had to pay fines and pick up trash every weekend for months.
A large part is understanding that men and women are built different.
Everyone is different. But also men and women have more in common than not, since we're all human.
Time for some men to grow up and leave the boy's tribe. You can have friends that are women without thinking about fucking them all the time.
If society refuses to recognize that then we have problems like birth rates falling below replacement.
There's another kind of replacement theory. One where immigrants replace people like me (and perhaps you). It's bunk. But I think it's a good idea, we should be replaced by a culture that has more vitality and hunger for life.