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Comment Re:In case you're all clueless... (Score 4, Insightful) 196

The problem isn't Kip Hawley as much as it is Janet Napolitano. She is ineffective as as the head of the DHS. She is reactionary and not a visionary nor a leader. She was horrible as a governor, she is horrible as the head of the DHS. She needs to go somewhere and put her education to use instead of riding on the coattails of others who are also no good at their job.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 438

If you already have AT&T service, like Go-Phone, you can easily switch the cards out and have a pay as you go plan with the iPhone.

I had full service with Cingular, AT&T bought them, Switched to a pay-as-you-go and ended up paying only $25 a quarter for about 3 years.

Got a Motorola Karma for a year - just by switching out the card. Brother in law gave me his old iPhone and did the same.

Ended up going on the road more so I paid into a service plan.

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