Comment Re:I didn't know Acer still made computers (Score 1) 360
We've been saying it since before BeOS.
We've been saying it since before BeOS.
There are also more people alive in the world since XP.
I hope Windows 8 isn't as bad as Vista was.
What are you talking about? He already sold out. It hasn't been Kevin Rose's baby since he sold it for the $45 milllion. He made out like a bandit.
Facebook never deletes photos. Upload a photo, save the URL for the photo and delete the image. Go back months later and pull up the URL, the photo is still there.
Dude, you guys have Danger 5 and that isn't even available through approved channels in the states.
It looks like the apps will be available for the mobile devices to which they currently are not.
Every business that needed to store anything over 5MB had a Zip drive. and that's every business I consulted for in the late 90s.
So maybe not every desktop but every office or 1 out of 5 computers had them.
The problem isn't Kip Hawley as much as it is Janet Napolitano. She is ineffective as as the head of the DHS. She is reactionary and not a visionary nor a leader. She was horrible as a governor, she is horrible as the head of the DHS. She needs to go somewhere and put her education to use instead of riding on the coattails of others who are also no good at their job.
That's what I attribute it to however, the ease of Tax Act obviously wasn't so easy for this analytical mind.
I answered all the questions and had nothing left over and just ended up wasting 2 hours on it.
I tried Tax Act and they said I had to pay $200 to the Feds. Went to HR Block and I'm getting a $900 refund.
How is that possible?
YouTube works without flash. That's one of the nice things about it. Forward compatibility.
Win98SE was the best of the bunch. Hardly a pile of dung.
2K was the best of the NT platform. XP did good at merging the two but was a steaming pile of dung.
Win7 is pretty good.
I'm so glad I only buy things with the 'Plays For Sure' badge.
Exactly. Those who say the US can use mass transit have never been here.
San Francisco is not like Denton, is not like New York City, is not like Kansas City, is not like Conshohoken, is not like Phoenix, is not like Columbus, etc.....
You also can't use mass transit in farming communities.
If you already have AT&T service, like Go-Phone, you can easily switch the cards out and have a pay as you go plan with the iPhone.
I had full service with Cingular, AT&T bought them, Switched to a pay-as-you-go and ended up paying only $25 a quarter for about 3 years.
Got a Motorola Karma for a year - just by switching out the card. Brother in law gave me his old iPhone and did the same.
Ended up going on the road more so I paid into a service plan.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.