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Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Worm exploiting Solaris telnetd vulnerability

MichaelSmith writes: "Several news sites [ itwire zdnet itnews] are reporting that a worm is starting to exploit the Solaris Telnet 0-day vulnerability. From the itnews article: By adding simple text to the Telnet command, Ullrich explained that the system will skip asking for a user name and password. If the systems are installed out of the box, they automatically come Telnet-enabled."

Submission + - Google acquires in-game advertising company

Firmafest writes: "According to Red Herring Google has bought an in-game advertising company called Adscape for $23 million. Is this the next logical step to delivering ads where there's sufficient potential buyers? Or is it simply a response to Microsoft acquiring a similar company. Considering the massive budget for product placement in movies, this could mean larger budgets for games resulting in better and/or cheaper games."

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