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Comment Re:Nature (Score 1) 127

Or epidemiologists, or hell, even your friendly neighborhood doctor:

"Oh sure, I'd love to help you -- and others -- out with that nasty bout of flu you're suffering from this year, but because Herbert Spencer's saying is now an immutable Law of Nature, some reason...hopefully humanity will evolve its way out of this faster than the virus does."
[[Doctor pats patient on the back]]
"Good luck next life...if that exists!" [[Doctor laughs evilly]]
The Courts

Submission + - SCO Attacks PJ of Groklaw

Litigious Bastards writes: "SCO has just filed court papers saying that they were unable to subpoena PJ of Groklaw. While they quietly disseminated rumors via shills like Dan Lyons of Forbes that they were attempting to subpoena PJ, and apparently sent their crack team of process servers out looking for random people named Pamela Jones, it would appear that they were unable to locate the bright yellow envelope labeled "Email PJ" on the Groklaw website to ask for directions to serve her in person."

Submission + - Hacker Defeats Hardware-based Rootkit Detection

Manequintet writes: "Joanna Rutkowska's latest bit of rootkit-related research shatters the myth that hardware-based (PCI cards or FireWire bus) RAM acquisition is the most reliable and secure way to do forensics. At this year's Black Hat Federal conference, she demonstrated three different attacks against AMD64 based systems, showing how the image of volatile memory (RAM) can be made different from the real contents of the physical memory as seen by the CPU. The overall problem, Rutkowska explained, is the design of the system that makes it impossible to reliably read memory from computers. "Maybe we should rethink the design of our computer systems so they they are somehow verifiable," she said."

Journal Journal: The co-inventor of the TV remote, Robert Adler, passed away

CNN reports that Robert Adler, who co-invented the device that made the couch potato possible, died Thursday at 93. Adler was a prolific inventor, earning more than 180 U.S. patents. He was best known for his 1956 Zenith Space Command remote control, which helped make TV a truly sedentary pastime. Few people today would imagine that that remote was ultrasound

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If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
