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Comment Re:The Google Play purchases are the serious probl (Score 1) 46

I'm also curious about this, as I have received no notice. Some news reports mentioned *steep discounts*, but I can't find any information on this.

My primary concern is that I don't just have one account, I have about a dozen that are used in various ways. I don't want to have to pay for all of them, and merging (while possible) will be a PITA especially because of the size limits.

Comment Re:The Google Play purchases are the serious probl (Score 1) 46

The problem is that all of these apps, and I have hundreds, expect that they can communicate with you over the account that you used in Google Play. So the updates, alerts, reminders, etc that can no longer be used seriously degrades our ability to use the apps which we paid for, through no fault of our own. This is just stupidity on Google's behalf.

Comment Re: No Threat To Thunderbolt (Score 1) 355

This is betamax vs VHS. Bluray vs HDDVD.

What you mention is true, but how many people want to connect a high end video card to their computer over an external port? A few dozen?

One or two niche cases that aren't even a blip on the radar will not save thunderbolt. USB is ubiquitous, backwards compatibility guarantees a winner speed or not. How many devices do you use that use more than USB 2.0 bandwidth vs total USB devices that you have? The fact that it is also the charging standard means that they would really have to screw up to lose the crown.

Comment Impossible to implement (Score 1) 243

So let me get this straight. If they ship me something that I did not order, I can either:

a) keep it at full price


b) say that I don't want it

In the second case, they will either eat the shipping cost both ways, offer me a discount, or just give it to me for free.

Why would I ever select option a? Yes, then they wouldn't ship me stuff ahead of me asking for it, but considering that I typically don't even know what I want until I go looking for it, I'm not sure how Amazon is going to do any better. Especially based on what I see recommended (maybe 1 of 10 items I *might* want)... seems like it's conceptually doomed.

I could see this being useful for businesses who need JIT delivery, but there's already a system for that.

Comment Re:Extended Support Release (Score 1) 366

It's these exact problems that finally forced me to switch to chrome, and I haven't looked back. Having 2/3 of my plugins stop working every few weeks was boggling. The rapid-release schedule doesn't seem to accomplish anything, and then to force compatibility problems makes it seem like they WANT users to leave.

Comment Adapt or die (Score 5, Insightful) 575

This depends - are you looking to learn the new coding methods to remain competitive in the workplace, or just for fun?

Honestly if you make a living doing this then you need to adapt. You need to get over your preconceptions and accept the changes to the way computing works. There are millions of programmers out there, if you want to stay employed you need to show that you're adaptable to the new technologies while applying all of the tried-and-true knowledge and experience from your past. It's hard enough to get a job when you're more than a decade out of school.

Trust me, I understand where you're coming from. I hate the inefficiencies of the languages these days. I dislike the general idea of doing anything other than a script in a scripted language. However my (perhaps anachronistic) viewpoints don't have many applicable places anymore. Unfortunately the tradeoff between RAD and proper coding often leans a little too far to the RAD side, necessitating the use of many types of languages and tools that you will undoubtedly not enjoy.

Not only will you be a lot more productive, but you'll be a lot more marketable if you just succumb to the "dark side" that is today's trend in programming languages.

Comment Re:Here's what I'd do (Score 2) 396

Not to incite, but I too have been with Kiva for a while (5 years), have made about 200 loans and my default rate is 0.55%. Carefully choosing those that you donate to can lead you to have very low risk and great reward for the karma and sense of accomplishment far more than monetary interest ever could get you. Honestly I have no idea how anyone could have a 30% loss rate considering that the average default rate is 1.09%. Please do not besmirch a fantastic organization with inaccurate statistics.

Comment Re:lolwut? (Score 5, Insightful) 510

Yeah, I'd like to introduce the OP to this little thing out here that we have called "the internet".

You see on "the internet" the VAST MAJORITY of websites that use flash would not (by any sane or right-minded person) be classified as "drop-dead gorgeous". In fact many of them are aberrations of nature.

Flash has become a way for ignorant web designers lead by even more ignorant managers to design glittery and flashy (no pun intended) websites that focus on dazzling the user instead of usable and content-filled designs. Poor Jakob Nielsen probably cries himself to sleep every night.

Yes there are a few solitary websites out there that do use flash productively and do things that genuinely can be justified as a valued-added usage of flash that could not have been provided in plain HTML, but those are far and few between.

So what this sensationalist article is really spouting is that there are yet no good development tools for HTML5. Wow Really? So a product that just came out (relatively speaking) doesn't have as good or as many design tools yet as a product that has been around for a 14 years. Good thing you pointed that out!

Once the HTML5 tools are available and it's as easy to develop "drop-dead gorgeous" (for better or worse) websites for HTML5 as it is for Flash I think that Adobe is going to have trouble justifying Flash's existence ESPECIALLY because some of those utilities are going to be open-source and free.

Submission + - Court rules on Internet obscenity standards ( 2

dark_requiem writes: The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that online content can be judged by the standards of the strictest community which is able to access it. The court upheld the conviction of pornography producer Paul F. Little, aka Max Hardcore, for violating obscenity laws in Tampa, despite the fact that the "obscene" material in question was produced and sold in California. From the article:

The Atlanta-based court rejected arguments by Little's attorneys that applying a local community standard to the Internet violates the First Amendment because doing so means material can be judged according to the standards of the strictest communities. In other words, the materials might be legal where they were produced and almost everywhere else. But if they violate the standards of one community, they are illegal in that community and the producers may be convicted of a crime.


Submission + - Avg Web App Scanner Misses 49% Of Vulnerabilities ( 1

seek3r writes: Report: Most Web Application Scanners Missed Nearly Half Of Vulnerabilities

According to a recent test of some of 6 web application security scanning products, the scanners missed an average of 49% of the vulnerabilities known to be on the test sites.

"NTOSpider found over twice as many vulnerabilities as the average competitor having a 94% accuracy rating, with Hailstorm having the second best rating of 62%, but only after extensive training by an expert. Appscan had the second best 'Point and Shoot' rating of 55% and the rest averaged 39%."

Is it any wonder that being PCI compliant is meaningless from a security point of view? You can perform a web app scan, check the box on your PCI audit and still have a security posture that is like swiss cheese on your web app!


Submission + - SPAM: US Patent Office to review VoIP patent

alphadogg writes: The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has agreed to review a controversial patent issued in 2001 that is claimed to cover much of the technology underlying VoIP.

The patent, held by a small company called C2 Communications Technologies, is one of 10 that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has been trying to strike down for several years through its Patent Busting Project. [spam URL stripped] On Friday, the patent office granted the EFF's request for a re-examination, the EFF said. The digital civil-liberties organization argued that another applicant had submitted basically some of the same technology to the patent office before C2 did. Patent No. 6,243,373, [spam URL stripped]"Method and apparatus for implementing a computer network/Internet telephone system," is credited to David L. Turock as inventor and is owned by C2, previously called Acceris Communications Technologies.

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Submission + - Superbowl tech ads, 1976 - present (

Ian Lamont writes: Computerworld has put together a collection of interesting, funny, and just plain weird Superbowl television advertisements from tech companies — exluding Internet retailers. Everyone has seen the Macintosh ad that played during the 1984 Superbowl, but there are a bunch of other gems, starting with a long-winded ad for the Xerox 9200 from 1976. The funniest is probably EDS' "herding cats" ad from 2000, but there are some oddities, too, including a bizarre ad for Network Associates depicting a Russian nuclear missile launch, and a very dated ad for Sharp from the mid-1980s. Intel has one ad in the collection from 1997, and it turns out that it is returning with two ads this year that it says feature "geek humor".

Submission + - Canadian Prime Minister loses to Onion Ring ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: On February 2nd, a group was started entitled "Can this Onion Ring get more fans than Stephen Harper?", and just a few days later, the group has almost triple as many fans as the Canadian Prime Minister. The group has over 86,000 fans at the time of this writing, and Stephen Harper has only 30,000. This is just another example of how much Canadian youth disapproves of the elected leader. My contrast, Barack Obama has over 7 million fans — over 200 the amount of Harper — when the population of the USA is approximately 10 times that of Canada. Canada also has proportionally many more Facebook users, which pushes the disparity even further.

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