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Comment Re:Solution posted (Score 1) 99

Sure I agree it's not most. But if you search for apple tv keeps asking for password you see lots of people with the same issue.

I suspect it's to do with two factor, I've refused to turn it on because I don't have any other apple devices and they don't support standard 2 factor apps.

Comment Re:Solution posted (Score 1) 99

And that 'solution' will last for how long? My apple tv 4k box has been asking me for my password pretty much every single freakin' day for the last year. Which is really frickin' frustrating using the apple remote if you have any sort of decent password. And multiple times it's locked my account and forced me to to do a password reset in a browser. Finally just chucked it in the trash last month and bought a chromecast for christmas. Not a perfect device, but it remembers my password at least.

Comment Re:People change (Score 1) 422

Yup. When they're tired of months of winter every frickin' year, and their knees and backs hurt all the time, and hip surgery is on the horizon, they'll start looking to move to the exact same kinds of places.

This is why the 'ok boomer' thing is so hilarious. Pretty much every single person who uses it is going to end up exactly as what they're mocking.

Comment Methodology is completely backwards. (Score 4, Interesting) 128

This is dumb, they've completely reversed what they should have been doing. People are motivated by profit, so this is just a 'how high a figure can I get you to give me' study. I don't even use Facebook, but I too would have driven the price up to thousands of dollars. Geeze.

What they should have done is the opposite, ask them how much are they willing to spend in order to keep it. Then you'd find the real worth. Some people would spend the thousands, some hundreds, and others like myself would pay $0. Hell, I'd spend money just to wipe Facebook off the earth, it truly is a blight on society.


How Does GPS Change Us? 266

ATKeiper writes "People have talked for a while about the effects of GPS on our driving ability and our sense of direction; one researcher at McGill has even been developing an exercise regimen to compensate for our supposedly atrophying navigational ability. But is GPS reshaping our lives in a more fundamental sense? The author of this new essay draws on science, sociology, and literature to argue that GPS is transforming how we think about travel and exploration. How can we discover 'the new' in an age when everything around us is mapped?" My own experience is that GPS has made me much more aware of location, by showing me the bird's-eye view, and letting me instantly compare alternate routes.

Comment STS-88 was my launch. (Score 1) 130

Night launch, 4:00 am after being out there for hours, they scrub with under 10 seconds left, because they missed the window by 2 frickin seconds. Next night the energy in the crowd just wasn't the same. But, I'll always remember feeling that sound. It's not the sight of seeing the shuttle go up that's amazing, it's the sound.

Lies, Damned Lies and Cat Statistics 175

spopepro writes "While un-captioned cats might be of limited interest to the /. community, I found this column on how a fabricated statistic takes on a life of its own interesting. Starting with the Humane Society of the United States' (HSUS) claim that the unsterilized offspring of a cat will '...result in 420,000 cats in 5 years,' the author looks at other erroneous numbers, where they came from and why they won't go away."

Southwest Adds 'Mechanical Difficulties' To Act Of God List 223

War, earthquakes, and broken washers are all unavoidable events for which a carrier should not be liable if travel is delayed according to Southwest Airlines. Southwest quietly updated their act of God list a few weeks ago to include mechanical problems with the other horrors of an angry travel god. From the article: "Robert Mann, an airline industry analyst based in Port Washington, NY, called it 'surprising' that Southwest, which has a reputation for stellar customer service, would make a change that puts passengers at a legal disadvantage if an aircraft breakdown delays their travel. Keeping a fleet mechanically sound 'is certainly within the control of any airline,' Mann said. 'Putting mechanical issues in the same category as an act of God — I don't think that's what God intended.'"

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