Sometimes people tell you what to say about them. Sometimes they
tell you what
not to say about them... not that you have
to abide by it.
I've never been one to censor myself; it's easier to get forgiveness than permission.
Sillypixie said this in mail:
Tell 'em all i have ______-_ _____[1], I dare ya.... HA!
(no really, don't, that's the last bit of imagery I want in their minds, ewww)
I've always had a perverse sense of humor... but more below.
What can you say about someone after hanging out with them for a
few hours and a couple beers? Quite a bit; first impressions
can be memorable.
The first impression you get from meeting SillyPixie is... not the
impression of a pixie, or someone silly. Neither is the second
impression, or the third. The first impression is one of
friendliness and openness. The next one that develops over
time is of a relentless energy, vivacity, bOunCiNeSs.
But it's not an undirected energy, as her readers know well.
She is as much of a doer in person as she is on-line; this is a
woman with a mission, no make that two missions, no, make that
twenty missions. Give her a hot tub to warm herself to softness and
a large butter knife and she'd spread herself as thin as gold
leaf trying to do all the things she sees as worthwhile. The
inability to actually solve all the problems of her life, let
alone the world, bugs her.
She really cares. There is no way you cannot admire that.
As you talk with her longer, you become certain that behind the
energy and drive is a penetrating intelligence and deep competence.
This is somebody who is not just good, she's DAMN good. She's
extremely sure of herself, but not vain; in her field she's got
few peers, and she's interested in just about everything else.
Even the arcana of applied thermogodda... er, thermodynamics.
If it affects her or could improve the world around her, she
seems to have an interest in it. You know she'd try to soak
up just about anything, if she could just spread herself a
little thinner...
She wants to have everything. You wish you could give it to her.
If I could clone a few dozen of her and hook them up as a Beowulf
cluster[2], I think I could consider it my crowning contribution
to humanity.
The last part of meeting SillyPixie is having to leave. It doesn't
matter what delights you have ahead; parting is still sweet sorrow.
[1] This footnote is here just so that she can have a genuine "oh
SHIT!" reaction when she comes across this JE (did I mention my
perverse sense of humor?). I will say that she has the most
enchanting eyes.
[2] Like you didn't know that was coming. This is Slashdot.