It's not just volume. Uber is really two parts. The ride sharing side and the company researching self driving cars side.
Who will win the greatest tech race of our time? The largest technology companies, he car manufacturers or the dodgy taxi company? Tune in next week to find out.
This guys document was well-written and scientifically based. But the regressiveleft hates any facts that contradict their delusions, very similar to religion.
How amusing that the last comment you made preceding this seems to be an anti global warming attack... Logic fail.
The guy didn't even identify himself as a conservative. He only mentions them to make a point about the echo chamber. He identified himself as a liberal, and explicitly said he was PRO-diversity.
Well he must be cool then, just like those guys who start a sentence "I'm not a racist, but..." obviously they can't be racist because they said so right at the start of the sentence.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.